Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN1044-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll - Chum - Area H - Johnstone Strait - Area 12 and 13 - Opening - October 12, 2024

Area H Troll Johnstone Strait Chum harvest opportunities will be managed as an Individual Transferable Effort demonstration fishery subject to in-season assessment information. The total number of boat days available to the fleet is 180. Each licence will be assigned an allocation of nine (9) days of transferable effort. The Area H Troll fishery is expected to open on October 12 and remain open until October 31 or until the maximum 180 boat days has been fished, whichever comes first. The fishery will close for one day on the first day of the Area B Seine fishery scheduled for October 21, 2024 and will re-open on October 22, 2024. Area H vessel masters must follow the requirements of the conditions of licence to provide daily catch reports prior to 08:00 following each day fished as it will determine how long the fishery will remain open. If a vessel has filed a start fishing report and has not closed a fishing trip, it will be counted towards the total boat days and the fishery may close prior to achieving 180 boat days.

Boat days may be fished at any time within the fishing period and will be transferable only among Area H licence holders. Transfers to other gear types or licence holders are not permitted.

The start of this fishery is planned to occur in a harmonized fishing area encompassing the lower portion of Area 12 and the upper portion of Area 13 as described below on dates that respect the intent of the Interior Fraser Steelhead window closure for Areas 12 and 13.

Area 12:

Effective from 00:01 hours October 12 to 23:59 hours October 20, troll will open for Chum Salmon in the following sub-areas:

12-1, 12-2;

a portion of 12-3 (closed south or inside a line from a boundary sign at 50 degrees 29.137 minutes north and 126 degrees 34.245 minutes west to a boundary sign at 50 degrees 29.255 minutes north and 126 degrees 36.680 minutes west (Tsitika River boundary);

12-4 and 12-5.

Area 13:

Effective from 00:01 hours October 12 to 23:59 hours October 13, troll will open for Chum Salmon in the following sub-areas:

a portion of sub-area 13-6 (closed south of a line from a point on Quadra Island located at 50 degrees 10.739 minutes north and 125 degrees 21.250 minutes west to a point on the Vancouver Island shoreline located at 50 degrees 10.513 minutes north and 125 degrees 22.597 minutes west);
sub-area 13-7 except Deepwater Bay, east of a line drawn from a boundary sign at 50°11.434' north and 125°20.268' west to a boundary sign at 50°10.861' north and 125°20.885' west;

13-8 to 13-10;

that portion of 13-11 lying west of a line from Bodega Point on Quadra Island, to a boundary sign at 50°16.390' north and 125°22.620' west;

13-27 to 13-29;

sub-area 13-30 except that portion surrounding the mouth of Amor de Cosmos Creek inside the radius of a circle 337 m in diameter intersecting the shoreline at 50°21.862' north and 125°41.164' west (east of the creek mouth) and 50°21.658' north and 125°41.630' west (west of the creek mouth);

13-31, 13-32, 13-35;

that portion of 13-40 lying west of a line drawn from a boundary sign on West Thurlow Island (approximately 1.5 miles east of Eden Point) to a boundary sign on the shore of Hardwicke Island opposite.

Effective from 00:01 hours October 14 to 23:59 hours October 20, troll will open for Chum Salmon in the following sub-areas:

a portion of sub-area 13-3 northerly of a line from a boundary sign at Orange Point to a daybeacon on Steep Island and westerly of a line from a daybeacon on Steep Island to an unnamed point on Quadra Island located at 50 degrees 05.565 minutes north by 125 degrees 15.769 minutes west;


sub-area 13-7 except Deepwater Bay, east of a line drawn from a boundary sign at 50°11.434' north and 125°20.268' west to a boundary sign at 50°10.861' north and 125°20.885' west;

13-8 to 13-10;

that portion of 13-11 lying west of a line from Bodega Point on Quadra Island, to a boundary sign at 50°16.390' north and 125°22.620' west;

13-27 to 13-29;

sub-area 13-30 except that portion surrounding the mouth of Amor de Cosmos Creek inside the radius of a circle 337 m in diameter intersecting the shoreline at 50°21.862' north and 125°41.164' west (east of the creek mouth) and 50°21.658' north and 125°41.630' west (west of the creek mouth);

13-31, 13-32, 13-35;

that portion of 13-40 lying west of a line drawn from a boundary sign on West Thurlow Island (approximately 1.5 miles east of Eden Point) to a boundary sign on the shore of Hardwicke Island opposite.

Variation Order Numbers: 2024-SAL-H-JST-TR-022, 2024-SAL-H-JST-TR-023, 2024-SAL-H-JST-TR-024 in effect.


The target species to be retained is Chum Salmon. Pink Salmon may also be retained. There is non-retention and non-possession of Sockeye, Coho, Chinook and Steelhead.

Licence eligibility holders are strongly encouraged to designate a signing authority prior to the start of the fishery. The designation permits allow someone else to authorize a boat day transfer if you are out fishing and are unable to complete the required transfer application.

The Area H ITE temporary reallocation forms and designation forms can be found at the following link:

A valid 2024/25 Salmon Area H licence (complete with licence conditions) must be on-board the vessel while fishing. Barbless hooks and operating revival tanks are required in this fishery.

Vessel masters must, prior to leaving for the fishing grounds, either phone AMR at 1-888-387-0007, or submit the details via e-log, to complete a start fishing report and announce their intention to fish.

At the end of each fishing day and prior to 08:00 hours of the next day, the vessel master must, as a condition of licence, record their catch information in either in their Salmon Log Book and report their catch by calling AMR at 1-888-387-0007 or submit their catch information via e-log.

Within 24 hours of the end of a fishing trip and prior to commencing a subsequent fishing trip, the vessel master shall either phone in or submit via e-log an End Fishing Report. Should a vessel master decide not to fish after having obtained a Trip Identification Number the vessel master shall phone in or submit via e-log a Trip Cancellation report.

In Area 12, mooring in Robson Bight (Michael Bigg) Ecological Reserve will only be permitted 24 hours prior to a commercial opening. The west and east boundaries are identified by a 4x8 foot white sign with 3x3 foot orange sign in the centre. The location of the west boundary is 50 degrees 29.759 minutes N by 126 degrees 37.592 minutes W and the location of the east boundary is 50 degrees 29.107 minutes N by 126 degrees 30.365 minutes W. In addition vessels will not be permitted to moor in Robson Bight proper during commercial fishery openings.

Lost Gear Reporting:

The licence holder/operator must report any of their lost fishing gear within 24 hours of returning to port at the end of the fishing trip. Reports of lost gear must be submitted to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) by completing the Lost Fishing Gear form available online at: If using an electronic logbook, the licence holder/fishing vessel operator must report any of their lost fishing gear to DFO by completing the section reserved for that purpose in the electronic logbook.

Retrieved Gear Reporting:

The licence holder/operator must report the retrieval of any of their own previously reported, lost gear within 24 hours of returning to port at the end of the fishing trip. Reports of retrieved gear must be submitted to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) by completing and submitting the Retrieval of Previously Reported Lost Fishing Gear form available online at: Retrieval can only occur during the validity period of these licence conditions and only in relation to the specific type of gear authorized to be used by these licence conditions. If using an electronic logbook, the licence holder/fishing vessel operator must report the retrieval of any of their own, previously reported, lost gear to DFO by completing the section reserved for that purpose in the electronic logbook.

As required by the US Marine Mammal Protection Act regulations, all countries exporting fish and fish products to the United States must comply with the updated import provisions, which include requirements to report and record all incidental fishery-related interactions with marine mammals. This aligns with reporting requirements under the Marine Mammal Regulations. The link to the online National form and instructions for filling in and reporting can be found at: For more information, please see FN0388 (2018).

The Government of Canada recognizes that Southern Resident Killer Whales face imminent threats to their survival and recovery. In May, the Government Of Canada shared the 2024 and 2025 management measures to be implemented this spring and summer that help address the key threats of reduced prey availability (primarily Chinook salmon) and acoustic and physical disturbance. These measures include salmon fishery closures, Interim Sanctuary Zones that restrict vessels from entering (including fishing), Speed Restricted Zones that restrict vessels to a maximum of 10 knots in designated areas (including fishing), minimum approach distances, and a number of voluntary measures including to stop fishing (do not haul gear) and reduce speed to less than 7 knots when within 1,000 metres of killer whales and let them pass, and a voluntary speed reduction zone in Tumbo Channel.

For more information about the 2024 management measures, please visit or contact the Marine Mammal Team at

For more information on the best ways to help whales while on the water, when on both sides of the border, please visit:

If a marine mammal becomes entangled in fishing gear, fishers should immediately call the Observe, Record, Report (ORR) line at 1-800-465-4336. Fishers are advised not to attempt to free the animal of the fishing gear as this can pose a serious threat to the safety of the fisher and the animal. If your vessel strikes a whale, or if you observe a sick, injured, distressed, or dead marine mammal in B.C. waters, please contact the hotline immediately or VHF Channel 16.

If you see a sea turtle, please call this toll-free phone number: 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663). Please include information such as the species of sea turtle seen (e.g. leatherback), the location and time of sighting.

Environment and Climate Change Canada continues to monitor seabird by-catch in net fisheries. Please retain and provide all dead birds entangled in nets to DFO, or call the BC Wild Bird Mortality Line (1-866-544-4744). Handle birds with gloves, double bag dead birds and label each with date, time, location, and store them on ice. Alternatively, send a photograph of birds with a reference object (e.g. coin) to For more information contact Laurie Wilson (, 604-862-8817).

Report suspicious activity or violations by email at or by calling the 24-hour, toll-free Observe, Record, and Report line at 1-800-465-4336 or 604-607-4186 in greater Vancouver.

The 24-hour, toll-free information line for fishery notices regarding openings and closures is 1-866-431-3474 or 604-666-2828 in greater Vancouver.


Contact Madeline Wanless by emailing or Heather Braun by emailing

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1044
Sent October 8, 2024 at 1452