Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Prawn and Shrimp by Trap
FN0811-COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Shrimp by Trap - Humpback Shrimp - Area 4 - Opening September 1, 2017

Effective 12:00 hours, September 1, 2017 Subareas 4-10 and 4-11 (Prince Rupert 
Harbour) will be open for the retention of Humpback shrimp (Pandalus 
hypsinotus) by trap gear.  All other species of shrimp including prawns may not 
be retained. This fishery is scheduled to close at 19:00 hours, December 31, 
2017.  This fishery will close earlier than December 31 if the quota is 
achieved before the scheduled closing time.

Variation Order 2017-412.


Subareas are described in the Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations. 

"W" licenced vessels wishing to participate in the Prince Rupert Harbour 
humpback trap fishery must obtain amended conditions of licence and are 
required to make arrangements for the collection of biological sample 
information by trained observers.  Each participating vessel is required to 
arrange for 1 day of observer sampling equivalent to samples from 6 strings of 
gear for a single licence vessel or 10 strings for a stacked licence vessel.

J.O. Thomas is the service company selected by industry to provide: trap tags, 
logbooks, hail in, and the in season biological sampling services.  The hail in 
number is 1-866-930-4000. 

This notice applies to North Coast Area 4, Subareas 4-10 and 4-11 only.

Retention of prawns is prohibited.

Fishers are asked not to set gear within 50 metres of any large displacement 
vessels due to the anchor swing rotation and navigation space required for 
large vessels.   

Hauling of shrimp by trap gear, line and buoys is permitted only once per day 
as a Condition of Licence in all areas of the coast.  This is referred to as 
single hauling. 

In all areas; all setting and hauling of shrimp traps will be permitted only 
between 07:00 and 19:00 hours, and hauling of traps will be permitted only once 
per day.

All in-season area closures will be implemented at 19:00 hours unless otherwise 

Vessel masters are advised to carefully consider stability when loading their 
vessels and packing gear. 

Fishers are reminded that the Conditions of Licence require the string location 
and the haul time to be recorded in the logbook within ½ hour of hauling, and 
before the next gear is hauled as per the new logbook format.  For fishers 
using the old logbooks, the haul time of each string of gear is to be recorded 
in the "Remarks" column.  

Fishers may fish a total of 500 traps on 10 strings if they stack two licences 
on one vessel for the season, or 300 traps on six strings on a single licenced 


Coral Keehn	(250) 627-3021

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0811
Sent August 14, 2017 at 1541