Fishery Notice

FN1078-RECREATIONAL - Salmon: Chinook - Region 2 - Portion of the Non-Tidal Waters of the Fraser River - Effective Immediately

Please see attached details of a recreational fishing opportunity. The areas opened have been selected in order to avoid Chinook stocks of concern returning to the Harrison River.

Carey Point (Jesperson's) to Hope, BC
Effective immediately until September 22, 2022, in the waters of the Fraser River easterly (upstream) of 121°53.27' west longitude (Carey Point) to the downstream side of the Highway One Bridge at Hope, BC, you may retain:

- four (4) Chinook Salmon per day, only one over 50 cm. 

Hope, BC to Alexandra
Effective immediately until September 25, 2022, in the waters of the Fraser River from the downstream side of the Highway One Bridge at Hope, BC to the downstream side of the Alexandra Bridge, you may retain:

- four (4) Chinook Salmon per day, only one over 50 cm

In both areas:

- You may not retain Coho, Chum, or Pink salmon. 
- You may not use bait when fishing for salmon.

These two openings coincide with Sockeye fishery openings in each area. :  The aggregate daily limit for all species of Pacific salmon from tidal and non-tidal waters combined is four (4). Individual species limits also apply.

Fishing is permitted during daylight hours only which refers to one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset). Reference to sunrise and sunset means the times for those events as calculated by the National Research Council of Canada and published daily at:

This reflects a change to the BC Freshwater Salmon Supplement. The on-line version of this guide will be updated within 24 hours of this notice, please browse:

Variation Order(s): 2022-RCT-429, 2022-RFQ-430

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1078
Sent September 16, 2022 at 1657