Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Tuna
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
FN0004-COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Albacore Tuna - Salmon - Foreign Fishing Vessels - Hail and Licencing Requirements


For the information and use of owners and operators of all commercial fishing vessels registered outside of Canada and their Vessel Representatives/Agents in Canada. 

The following is a summary of licencing and hail notification requirements that must be complied with in order to operate legally within Canadian waters and to access Canadian ports.


Foreign commercial fishing vessels that wish to transit through Canadian waters without stopping at anchor or entering a Canadian port must notify the Canadian Coast Guard, Marine Communications and Traffic Services, (CCG-MCTS). Vessels wishing to transit through waters inside of Vancouver Island are to contact Victoria CCG-MCTS, while all vessels transiting through outside waters off the West coast of Vancouver Island are to contact Prince Rupert CCG-MCTS, through the following means:
 (a) VHF channel 83A (within a 60 mile range);
 (b) MF channel 2054 (within a 200 mile range);
 (c) HF channel 4125 (within a 400 mile range); or
 (d) Using a satellite phone or cellular phone and dialing 250-627-3081 (Prince Rupert), or 250-363-6333 (Victoria).

A Foreign Fishing Vessel (FFV) Hail-in number will be provided to you by CCG-MCTS, this Hail number must be quoted upon request by a Fishery Officer. Transiting vessels are reminded that no stopping or entering port is permitted if you hail your intent to transit only. Transiting vessels must have all fishing gear stowed below decks or in a manner that prohibits deployment for fishing while transiting through Canadian waters. Should you experience a safety or medical emergency during your journey call CCG-MCTS by one of the methods listed above or on VHF Channel 16.
No Canadian EEZ Licence is required for foreign vessels transiting through Canadian waters, only the Transiting Hail number is required.


"Port-Access" EEZ Licence.
Foreign Fishing Vessels wishing to enter one of the following designated Canadian ports must first apply for and acquire a Canadian EEZ Port-Access Licence from DFO. Submit an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Application Form - along with a copy of the vessel's fishing licence and vessel registration - to DFO Licencing by e-mail at:  
Attn: Pacific Region. DO NOT FAX applications; due to Covid-19, faxed applications cannot be received at this time.
Additional information and EEZ Application Forms may be found at:

Designated FFV Ports in British Columbia, Canada:
Port Hardy
Coal Harbour (North Vancouver Island)
Prince Rupert

Foreign Fishing Vessel access to any other Canadian port in the Pacific Region is not permitted. Docking or conducting any activities in a Canadian port without an EEZ Port-Access Licence is not permitted.
A separate EEZ port-access licence is required for each separate authorized port visit. If the vessel leaves port, or the expiry date on the port access licence elapses, the vessel must apply again and receive a new EEZ port-access licence and licence conditions prior to making any other port visit.

Vessels applying for port access in Canada are required to identify a vessel Agent located in Canada who is authorized by the vessel's Flag-State Consulate to represent that vessel and nation for the purpose of any required communications, licence applications, licence amendments, etc. with Government of Canada officials.

Apply for licences well in advance. Allow at least 5-10 full clear business days (excluding weekends, holidays, or partial business days) for the processing of your Port-Access Licence application. 

Vessels must have the approved EEZ Port-Access Licence, accompanying signed Authorization Form, and Licence Conditions onboard the vessel, (in either paper or electronic format) before entering Canadian waters and/or a Canadian port. Failure to have the licence and licence conditions onboard is a violation of Canadian law and may result in prosecution and/or refusal to allow port access. All documentation must be kept readily accessible for inspection by a Fishery Officer upon demand.

Port-Access Hail-in.

All foreign fishing vessels must also Hail-in to CCG-MCTS at least 24 hours prior to intended arrival at a Canadian port. Vessels wishing to Hail-in to a port must already have acquired their EEZ Port-Access licence for that intended port visit, and must be prepared to quote their EEZ Port-Access Licence number when Hailing-in. Providing the information requested during the Hail-in procedure is a requirement under international agreements governing Port State Measures to help end Illegal-Unregulated-Unreported (IUU) fishing.
All vessels in Canadian waters or in Canadian ports may be subject to inspection by Fishery Officers to ensure compliance with applicable laws and licence conditions.

In emergency or unforeseen safety-related circumstances, (i.e. mechanical failure that threatens crew safety, medical emergency, unpredictable extreme weather, etc.) vessels may enter any Canadian port or waters that will provide shelter or medical assistance as needed. In the case of seeking shelter from bad weather, foreign vessels are permitted to set anchor only - not to come ashore, dock the vessel, or conduct any activities on land. A port Hail to MCTS via VHF or satellite phone is still required, and a Port-Access EEZ licence must be applied for as soon as possible upon safe arrival in port. No docking or non-emergency related activities may be conducted until the vessel secures a Port-Access EEZ licence from DFO.
The CCG-MCTS contact methods for Port-Access Hails are the same as outlined above for Transiting vessel Hails.
Failure to hail-in to a Canadian port is a violation of Canadian law and may result in prosecution and/or refusal to allow port access.


"Fishing" EEZ Licence.
American tuna fishing vessels wishing to fish in Canadian waters under the provisions of the Pacific Albacore Tuna Treaty (PATT), scientific research vessels fishing under the authority of a scientific licence issued by DFO, and certain other vessels, may apply for and receive an EEZ Fishing Licence that authorizes them to fish inside Canadian EEZ waters. Foreign Fishing Vessels must first apply for and acquire a Canadian EEZ Fishing Licence for the species they wish to harvest by submitting an EEZ Application Form to DFO Licencing at:  
Attn:  Pacific Region. DO NOT FAX applications; due to Covid-19, faxed applications cannot be received at this time.
Additional information and EEZ Application Forms may be found at:
Apply for licences well in advance. Allow at least 5-10 full clear business days (excluding weekends, holidays, or partial business days) for the processing of your EEZ Fishing Licence application.

Vessels must have the approved EEZ Fishing Licence, signed Authorization Form, and Licence Conditions onboard the vessel,(in either paper or electronic format) before entering Canadian waters to fish. All documentation must be kept readily accessible for inspection by a Fishery Officer upon demand. Failure to have the licence, Authorization, and licence conditions onboard is a violation of Canadian law and may result in prosecution, a directive from a Fishery Officer to cease all fishing, and/or expulsion from Canadian waters. Vessel Masters are required to read, understand, and comply with all Licence Conditions. 
No species other than those authorized by the EEZ Fishing Licence and Licence Conditions may be harvested or retained for any reason while fishing in Canadian waters.

As in previous years, an American vessel operating under the USA-Canada Pacific Albacore Tuna Treaty (PATT), will only be required to apply for one EEZ Fishing Licence at the start of the year, (not including port-access licence applications - above). Thereafter for the rest of the calendar year, the Albacore Tuna vessel will only be required to Hail-in and Hail-out of Canadian waters prior to each boundary crossing (details below).
Canadian Waters Hail-in.

All foreign fishing vessels must Hail-in to CCG-MCTS at least 24 hours prior to entering Canadian waters, (unless only transiting, see "Transiting Vessels" above). Vessels wishing to Hail-in to Canadian waters to fish or to enter a port must already have acquired their EEZ Fishing Licence (and/or EEZ Port-Access Licence), and must be prepared to quote their EEZ Licence number when Hailing-in. Providing the information requested during the Hail-in procedure is a requirement under your Licence Conditions. All vessels in Canadian waters or in Canadian ports may be subject to inspection by Fishery Officers to ensure compliance with applicable laws and licence conditions.
The CCG-MCTS contact methods for Fishing Hails are the same as outlined above for Transiting vessel Hails.


Foreign Packer / Tender vessels wishing to tranship fish from Canadian fishing vessels at-sea in Canadian waters, (without entering a Canadian port), must apply for and acquire an EEZ Transhipping licence and comply with all licence conditions attached thereto. 
Transhipping vessels must also Hail-in to Canadian waters with CCG-MCTS as outlined above for fishing vessels.


Exit Hails.
All foreign fishing vessels,(other than vessels that have Hailed for transiting only) planning to leave Canadian waters are also required to notify CCG-MCTS at least 72 hours prior to exiting. The CCG-MCTS contact methods for Exit Hails are the same as outlined above for Transiting vessel Hails.
For PATT Tuna Vessels. 
Exit Hails will replace the existing requirement for a tuna Hail-out of the Canadian Tuna fishing Zone of the IATTC. USA Tuna vessels will not be required to file two separate Hails when leaving Canadian waters.


A reminder to mariners that all commercial fishing vessels 24 meters or more in length (78.7 ft.), and any fishing vessel between 20 and 24 meters in length that is greater than 150 gross tonnes, is required by Canadian law to participate with VTS while in Canadian waters. Contact CCG-MCTS by radio to participate in VTS. This system helps ensure the safety of all vessels travelling in close proximity while in Canadian waters.


All foreign vessels wishing to stop in Canadian waters, meet with another vessel, or enter a Canadian port are required to also comply with all applicable Canadian Customs laws and regulations, including notification to the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA). The following contact methods are available for more information.
General CBSA Information: CBSA Requirements for Commercial Vessels:
CBSA Toll free Info Contacts:
    (Inside Canada):  1-800-461-9999
    (Outside Canada):  1-204-983-3500,  or   1-506-636-5064
    (TTY Phone):  1-866-335-3237

Requests for licensing information can be emailed to:  

Additional information requests may be submitted to Fishery Officer or 250-754-0206.

To ensure that you receive email notifications, be sure to update your email address under your profile in the NOLS. Instructions on updating email addresses may be found at:, 2.3 Profile in the User Training Manual (

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0004
Sent January 4, 2022 at 1514