Fishery Notice
ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN1062-Salmon - Fraser River Sockeye Update - Areas 11 to 29 - September 25, 2018
The Fraser River Panel met Tuesday, September 25, to receive an update on the migration of the Fraser Sockeye runs to date. Gill net test fishery catches in the Fraser River increased significantly in recent days with Whonnock catches peaking at 157 on September 22, while Cottonwood peaked at 116 on September 23. Daily Mission escapement estimates also increased significantly from 15,100 on September 21 to 115,000 on September 24 indicating that some of the holding Late Run fish have begun to move up-river. The estimated total Sockeye escapement past Mission to September 24 is 5,055,200. The current estimate for holding Late Run fish is quite uncertain at this time and is likely between 0.5 and 1.5 million fish. During the Panel meeting today there were no changes to the run size or management adjustments for Summer or Late Run stocks. The ninth spawning ground report was released on September 20. The Scotch Creek counting fence was operational on August 9 with 79,300 sockeye enumerated to date. Fish are now past the peak of spawning in Scotch Creek. The Eagle River Hydroacoustic site was operational on August 10 with 233,325 fish having been estimated to have passed the site to date. Fish are at the peak of die off. The Nadina Spawning Channel operations are now back to normal as the fire issues have ended. About 26,515 fish have entered the spawning channel at this time. Observations of elevated levels or pre-spawn mortality have been reported with increased levels of parasites in the fish in the spawning channel. The Stellako River hydroacoustic site was operational on August 1 with a total of 178,085 sockeye estimated to have passed as of August 28. The majority of these fish would be Nadina sockeye. Sockeye have recently been observed in Gates Creek with 1,874 counted into the spawning channel to date. Fish are past the peak of spawning. The Chilko River hydroacoustics site was operational on August 3 with a total of 576,353 sockeye estimated to date. Fish are in the early stages of spawning. In the Quesnel River the hydroacoustics site was operational on August 7 with 803,232 sockeye estimated to date. Fish are nearing the peak of spawning. The Stellako River hydroacoustics site was operational on August 1 with 141,340 Stellako sockeye estimated since August 28. The hydroacoustics program in the Birkenhead River was operational on August 23 with 12,163 fish enumerated past the site to date. Fish are reported to be at or near the peak of spawning. The counting fence at Sweltzer Creek was installed on July 31 and 30 Sockeye have been counted into Cultus Lake to date and an additional 11 fish have been captured for hatchery broodstock. Currently, First Nations food, social and ceremonial (FSC) and Economic Opportunity Sockeye fisheries are nearing completion in Marine areas and the lower Fraser River while FSC and commercial demonstration fisheries in the interior are ongoing. First Nation fishers are requested to check for the opening times and any restrictions in their local area. During the meeting today there was no increase in the available ITQ for Areas B and H and as such those fisheries will be terminating on September 27 or earlier if the ITQ has been harvested. Please refer to fisheries notices for the individual fisheries for further details. Retention of sockeye in marine recreational fisheries in Area 29 will be closing effective 23:59 hours September 27. Please refer to the fisheries notice detailing the specifics of this closure to retention. The next Panel meeting will be on Friday, September 28 at 11 a.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Regional Salmon Team - DFO Pacific
Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1062
Sent September 25, 2018 at 1512
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