Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0636-Salmon - Fraser River Sockeye Update - Areas 11 to 29 - July 24, 2018

The Fraser River Panel met Tuesday, July 24, to receive an update on the 
migration of the Fraser sockeye runs to date and review the status of migration 
conditions in the Fraser River watershed.	

Gill net test fishery catches in the Fraser River have increased considerably 
in both the Whonnock and Cottonwood test fisheries with 93 being caught at 
Cottonwood on July 23. In-river stock identification analyses are showing a 
decline in Early Stuart sockeye combined with an increase in the proportions of 
Early Summers and Summers. Within the Early Summer group Nadina remains the 
dominant stock with an increase in the later timed South Thompson Early Summer 
stocks. The Summer run timing group are primarily Late Stuart/Stellako and 
Chilko/Quesnel at this time. 

Marine test fishery catches continue to fluctuate with catches in recent days 
affected by algae blooms in both approach areas. Stock identification samples 
continue to show a declining trend of Early Stuart's although the most recent 
sample from Area 20 did still have Early Stuarts present. Both Areas 20 and 12 
are showing increases in the Early Summers and Summers with low proportions of 
Late Run fish. In the Early Summer group the later timed South Thompson stocks 
are becoming a larger component of the aggregate which is expected as this 
group was forecast pre-season to be the largest stock within the Early Summers. 
Nadina continues to be making up the largest portion of the samples in Area 12 
while South Thompson Early Summers are now more abundant in Area 20 samples. 
The current estimate for the diversion rate through Johnstone Strait has 
declined to 20% based on the most recent 5 days of catch in the Area 20 and 12 
gill net test fisheries. This declining trend is a normal occurrence for the 
Diversion Rate at this time of year on this cycle.

For pre-season planning purposes the Fraser Panel has adopted management 
adjustments(MA) for Early Stuart based on the historical median for all years, 
Early Summer based on the historical median for dominant years only (2018 
cycle) and Summer run sockeye based on the historical median for all years. 
Model predicted management adjustments based on the water discharge and 
temperature predictions were not adopted largely due to the high degree of 
uncertainty in the forecasts. Management adjustments are additional fish that 
are removed from identified harvest levels and allowed to escape upstream in an 
attempt to assist in achievement of identified escapement objectives for the 
different run timing groups. In-season information over the coming weeks will 
help to inform future decisions on management adjustments for the Early Summer, 
Summer and Late run management groups while the Early Stuart management group 
will be managed based on the respective Low Abundance Exploitation Rate (LAER) 
of 10%. It is anticipated the Early Stuart sockeye return will result in a 
spawning escapement being below goal.

The observed water temperature at Qualark on July 23 dropped to 18.5° Celsius 
which is 1.2° Celsius above average for this date. Water temperatures are 
forecast to decline followed by an increase to 19.6° Celsius by July 29. The 
Fraser River discharge at Hope on July 23 was 3,794 cubic meters per second 
which is 21% below the average discharge for this date.

During the call today no changes to run size or timing were made for any run 
timing group. At this time it continues to be too early to make any predictions 
of the run size for Early Summers however the earlier timed stocks appear to be 
tracking near the p75 forecast or they may be earlier than predicted pre-
season.  In-season assessment of all run timing groups generally occurs shortly 
after identification of their peak migration through marine areas. 

Currently, First Nations food, social and ceremonial (FSC) sockeye fisheries 
have begun in Marine areas and the lower Fraser River. Later this week 
additional fisheries are being planned in upper portions of the lower Fraser 
River in a sequential manner. The 3 week Early Stuart window closure remains in 
place in the mid and upper portions of the Fraser where Early Stuart stocks are 
present. Limited fishing opportunities on Chinook are occurring in these 
portions of the Fraser River.

FSC fishers in marine approach areas, as well as the Fraser River are requested 
to check for the opening times and any restrictions in their local area. 
Commercial and recreational fisheries are not anticipated to begin until the 
end of July or early August once commercial TAC has been identified.

During the call today the Panel approved the first US commercial fishery in 
Areas 4b, 5 and 6c beginning on July 27 which is a low impact gillnet fishery 
in the outer Juan de Fuca Strait area.

The next in-season meeting of the Fraser River Panel is scheduled to occur on 
Friday, July 27, 2018.


Regional Salmon Team - DFO Pacific

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0636
Sent July 24, 2018 at 1419