Fishery Notice

Yukon/TBR - Recreational Salmon
FN0445-YUKON/TBR - PUBLIC ANGLING - Chinook Salmon - Swift River

EFFECTIVE: 00:01 hours, Monday April 1, 2024 until 24:00 hours (midnight) Monday March 31, 2025

The preseason forecast for Yukon River Chinook Salmon is very low and will not meet the spawning escapement goal. As a result, there will be no directed harvest opportunity in the Yukon River and all its tributaries, including the BC portions of the Swift River.

The current daily quota limits for Chinook salmon in the Swift River are:

	Chinook Salmon 65 cm or less: 0 (zero)
	Chinook Salmon over 65 cm: 0 (zero)

This action is required to achieve conservation (spawning escapement) and is consistent with current fishery allocation priority of access.

Variation Order No. 2024-RFQ-043

For more information contact:

Jaclyn Kendall, Fisheries and Oceans Canada - (250)571-3468

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0445
Sent May 14, 2024 at 1518