Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - Salmon: Economic Opportunities
COMMERCIAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
General Information
RECREATIONAL - General Information
FN0604-General Information - Chinook - In-season Abundance Update - Fraser River Spring 5(2) and Summer 5(2) Chinook

This notice is intended to provide an update on the in-season abundance of Fraser River Spring 5(2) and Summer 5(2) Chinook.

In 2023, the Albion Chinook test fishery began operating on April 23. The total catch in the 8-inch mesh net for the period of this update (May 7 to June 17, or stat weeks 05/1 to 06/2) was six (6) Chinook. Based on this input, the standard version of the in-season abundance model that is based only on the 8-inch mesh data predicts a terminal return for the Fraser River Spring 5(2) and Summer 5(2) Chinook aggregate of 46,789 (95% Probability Interval of 24,000 to 90,000). The total catch in the multi-panel test net for this period was two (2) Chinook. The predicted terminal return from the model that incorporates this additional catch is 32,890 (95% Probability Interval of 14,000 to 67,000) Chinook. Further details on the modeling approach are available upon request from your local resource manager.

The low catch at the test fishery suggests low abundance for the Spring 5(2) and Summer 5(2) Chinook Salmon returning in 2023, and indicates ongoing low productivity for these Management Units.

The in-season run size estimate is provided for information purposes only and is not being used for in-season adjustments to management actions. The Department has announced precautionary management actions to substantially reduce fishery mortalities on these at-risk Chinook. Further information on these management measures can be found in FN1421, FN0158, FN0426, and FN0331, and will also be incorporated into the final 2023/24 Southern BC Integrated Fisheries Management Plan.

Contact your local DFO office

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0604
Sent June 27, 2023 at 1024