Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Sablefish
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Halibut
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Other Hook and Line
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish Trawl
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Rockfish Hook and Line
FN1256-Groundfish: 2019/2020 IFMP - Yelloweye Carryover Reminder and Change to Halibut Quota Landings Temporary Quota Caps

2019/20 Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Groundfish

REMNINDER that carryover of Yelloweye and other non-directed species will 
remain at 30%, as per Appendix 6, Section 6.7.2. of the IFMP. 

The commercial groundfish fishery is hereby notified of the following changes 
to the 2019/2020 Integrated Fisheries Management Plan for Groundfish. These 
changes take effect immediately:

 6.2.3. Quota Landings Temporary Quota Caps

Quota Landings Temporary Quota Caps is temporarily removed until the 2020 
season for the following species. 

Shortraker rockfish&&&&Coastwide&&&&&Up to 20,000	
Redbanded rockfish&&&&&Coastwide&&&&&Up to 24,000
Rougheye rockfish&&&&&&Coastwide&&&&&Up to 60,000
Shortspine Thornyhead&&Coastwide&&&&&Up to 16,000
Lingcod&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Coastwide&&&&&Up to 30,000

For further information or to request a copy of the Groundfish IFMP, please 
contact one of the groundfish coordinators listed below:  

Maureen Finn
Halibut/Hook & Line Coordinator
Groundfish Management Unit
Phone: 604-666-3279
Fax: 604-666-8525

Lindsay Gardner
Sablefish/Hook & Line Coordinator 
Phone: 604-666-0912
Fax: 604-666-8525

Rob Tadey
Trawl Coordinator
Phone: 604-666-3991
Fax: 604-666-8525

Gwyn Mason
Regional FM Officer
Phone: 604-666-3244
Fax: 604-666-8525

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1256
Sent December 12, 2019 at 1324