Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Clam - Intertidal
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Clam - Razor
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Geoduck and Horseclam
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Oyster
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Scallop by Trawl
General Information
Sanitary/Other Contamination Closures
FN1259-SANITARY - Bivalve Shellfish: Sanitary Closure - Area 14 - Area reopen Section 14.22B

Effective December 5, 2017 the harvest prohibition is lifted for bivalve 
shellfish in Baynes Sound, Section B, within Subarea 14-8, as per the Baynes 
Sound Conditional Management Plan.

The following area is now in open status:

Baynes Sound Conditional Management Plan Section B

The waters and intertidal foreshore of Baynes Sound from a northern boundary 
starting at Base Flats at a position 49° 31.34' north latitude and 124° 50.25' 
west longitude, extending northeasterly to 49° 31.54' north latitude and 124° 
49.71' west longitude, thence southeasterly to a position at 49° 30.71' north 
latitude and 124° 47.97' west longitude, thence southwesterly to a position 49° 
30.34' north latitude and 124° 48.40' west longitude at Ship Point (NAD 83).

This Fishery Notice revokes Fishery Notice 1210 sent on November 15 and 1237 
sent on November 27, 2017.

Detailed bivalve shellfish closure information and maps are available at our 

and at local DFO offices.

For more information contact a local DFO office or Elysha Gordon at 250-756-

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1259
Sent December 5, 2017 at 0857