Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish Trawl
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Halibut
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Other Hook and Line
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Rockfish Hook and Line
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Sablefish
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Sablefish Seamount
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Crab
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Prawn and Shrimp by Trap
COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Scallop by Trawl
General Information
RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)
RECREATIONAL - General Information
FN1214-Offshore Pacific Seamounts and Vents: Commercial and Recreational Bottom Contact Fisheries Closure - portions of Areas 123 to 127, and 130

Harvesters are notified that the Offshore Pacific Seamounts and Vents Fishery 
Closure was closed to all commercial and recreational bottom contact fisheries 
using bottom trawl, hook and line, and trap gear for Groundfish, Halibut, 
Sablefish, and Shellfish as of November 10, 2017.

The Fisheries Act closure aims to provide protection to ecologically and 
biologically significant seamount and hydrothermal vent features within the 
Offshore Pacific Bioregion. The closure is as laid out in Variation Orders 2017-
590 and 2017-591 and is described as follows:

Those waters within Pacific Fishery Management Subareas 123-9, 124-1, 124-2, 
125-6, 126-3, 126-4, 127-2, 127-4, and 130-1 inside an area bounded by a series 
of rhumb lines that: 

begin at, 46°48'53"N 129°43'56"W [on the boundary of the EEZ*, Subarea 125-6]
then to, 46°58'18"N 129°34'59"W
then to, 47°21'08"N 129°34'45"W
then to, 47°58'20"N 129°21'10"W
then to, 47°38'29"N 130°11'09"W
then to, 47°55'46"N 130°40'55"W
then to, 48°27'07"N 130°28'55"W
then to, 49°04'14"N 131°23'35"W
then to, 48°46'44"N 132°28'38"W
then to, 49°11'35"N 132°52'15"W
then to, 49°33'55"N 133°09'51"W
then to, 49°31'16"N 133°47'59"W
then to, 49°57'44"N 134°03'07"W
then to, 50°05'02"N 133°40'17"W
then to, 50°06'27"N 133°26'56"W
then to, 50°05'04"N 131°55'58"W
then to, 50°26'52"N 132°00'12"W
then to, 50°38'19"N 131°20'40"W
then to, 51°03'52"N 130°30'22"W
then to, 50°46'10"N 130°04'41"W
then to, 50°24'40"N 130°00'42"W
then to, 50°14'20"N 129°31'40"W
then to, 49°37'55"N 129°58'23"W
then to, 48°39'50"N 128°24'04"W
then to, 47°38'10"N 127°08'52"W [on the boundary of the EEZ*, Subarea 123-9]
then following the EEZ* to 47°10'18"N 128°02'44"W [on the boundary of the EEZ*, 
Subarea 124-1]
then to, 47°46'08"N 128°44'28"W
then to, 47°04'23"N 129°00'46"W
then to, 46°42'34"N 129°00'43"W
then to, 46°32'20"N 129°09'24"W [on the boundary of the EEZ*, Subarea 124-2]
then following the EEZ* back to the point of commencement.

*EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone boundary

For additional information please go to the Offshore Pacific Seamounts and 
Vents Closure webpage at:

Harvesters should also consult their Integrated Fisheries Management Plans.

Variation Orders 2017-590 and 2017-591 in effect.


Alice Cheung: 604.666.0209  
200-401 Burrard St.
Vancouver BC, V6C 3S4

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1214
Sent November 16, 2017 at 1325