Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - Salmon: Economic Opportunities
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN1119-Salmon - Fraser River Chum Update - October 23, 2017

In-season estimates of abundance for Fraser River chum are based on catch 
information provided by the Albion test fishery. Using Albion test fishery data 
through October 22, 2017 the current median estimate for the terminal Fraser 
River chum return is 1.32 million chum, with a 50% migration date of October 
17, 2017.  There is an 80% probability that the run is between 596,000 and 
2.851 million, and a 79% probability that the run will exceed the escapement 
goal of 800,000.  

The current run size is sufficient to allow for commercial opportunities in the 
Fraser River.  Additional information on available Commercial TAC and 
commercial fisheries planning details will be provided via separate fishery 

Opportunities to harvest chum salmon will be constrained by management 
objectives for Interior Fraser steelhead which is a stock of concern presently 
co-migrating in the Fraser River.  Harvest opportunities in commercial 
fisheries, including First Nation economic opportunity fisheries, will be 
planned to minimize impacts on these stocks, as outlined in the 2017 South 
Coast Salmon Integrated Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP). Fishers are required 
to take every measure possible to ensure that their fishing activities avoid 
impacts on steelhead.  Any steelhead encountered must be released with the 
least possible harm.   

While no additional in-season updates are planned at this time, we will 
continue to closely monitor chum catch at the Albion test fishery over the 
coming days. Should new data indicate the need to update the current run size 
and timing estimate, additional updates will be provided.


Barbara Mueller, (604) 666-2370 or your local DFO Resource Manager

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1119
Sent October 23, 2017 at 1302