Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
AQUACULTURE - Freshwater/Land-based
AQUACULTURE - Marine Finfish
COMMERCIAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish Trawl
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Halibut
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Other Hook and Line
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Rockfish Hook and Line
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Sablefish
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Sablefish Seamount
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Test Fishery
COMMERCIAL - Herring Special Use
COMMERCIAL - Herring: Food and Bait
COMMERCIAL - Herring: Spawn on Kelp
COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Eulachon
COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Mackerel
COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Perch
COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Sardine (Pilchard)
COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Smelt
COMMERCIAL - Pelagics: Tuna
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net - Test Fishery
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine - Test Fishery
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll - Test Fishery
General Information
RECREATIONAL - Fin Fish (Other than Salmon)
RECREATIONAL - General Information
Yukon/TBR - Commercial Salmon
Yukon/TBR - Domestic Salmon
Yukon/TBR - General
Yukon/TBR - Recreational Salmon
Yukon/TBR - Aboriginal
FN1026-Reporting Atlantic Salmon Sightings in British Columbia Waters

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is seeking assistance in identifying and 
reporting Atlantic salmon in British Columbia (BC) waters, following the escape 
of Atlantic salmon from an aquaculture facility in Washington State. 

DFO's Atlantic Salmon Watch Program has received over 55 reports of Atlantic 
salmon caught in BC waters since this event.  These reports are from locations 
as far apart as the Campbell River and Tofino on Vancouver Island, as well as 
in the lower Fraser River.

DFO requests all First Nations, fishers or those conducting stock assessment 
activities, to report sightings to the Atlantic Salmon Watch Program.  For 
captured fish, please retain the head and stomach of any suspected Atlantic 
salmon and send the photo of the fish by email.  Samples of full fish would 
also be appreciated.  DFO will arrange for the transportation of any samples, 
which will then be tested to confirm their species and origin, and to determine 
if they have been feeding. 

Tips for identifying Atlantic salmon available are on our website.  The key 
distinguishing feature of Atlantic salmon is black spots on the gill cover.  
The escaped Atlantic salmon weigh about 4.5kg (10lbs) each and the Department 
has been assured the salmon were free of therapeutants at the time of the 
escape.  Encounters with Atlantic salmon at any lifestage should be reported.  

There is a very low likelihood of Atlantic salmon establishing in Pacific 
waters based on numerous failed attempts to introduce Atlantic salmon to this 
coast in the past.  Since 1991, the Atlantic Salmon Watch Program has found no 
evidence of established Atlantic salmon populations in BC.  Nevertheless, it 
remains important to be vigilant and ensure establishment does not occur.  Your 
reports will help in determining priority rivers for the Atlantic Salmon Watch 
swims. DFO shares information about all reported sightings on our website. 
Thank you for your help in monitoring BC waters.


Atlantic Salmon Watch Program 
Toll free: 1-800-811-6010 		

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1026
Sent October 3, 2017 at 1432