Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Shrimp Trawl
FN0988-COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Shrimp Trawl - Survey results for Shrimp Management Areas PRD or 12IN will not be Available in 2017

The survey vessel scheduled to complete the in-season biomass survey for shrimp 
within Shrimp Management Area (SMA) PRD and a portion of SMA 12IN this fall 
will not be able to complete the survey.   As a result there will be no 
adjustments to the catch ceilings for these SMAs this season.

Please refer to 2017/18 Shrimp Trawl Integrated Fishery Management Plan for 
further details and management changes for this season or for further 
information contact:

Shrimp Trawl Manager:         Dan Clark       250-756-7327
Fraser River:                 Anna Magera     604-916-6743
North/Central Coast:          Coral Keehn     250-627-3021
Conservation and Protection:  Dale Hunt       250-204-0851

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0988
Sent September 22, 2017 at 1315