Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0918-ABORIGINAL - Salmon: Gill Net and Troll - ISBM Chinook - Demonstration Fishery - August 29, 2017 Opening - TAC and Vessel cap Change

Further to FN0873, the TAC and vessel cap for this fishery was adjusted for the 
period 00:01 hours September 1 to 23:59 hours September 4, 2017.  

The Ahousaht, Ehattesaht, Hesquiaht, Mowachaht/Muchalaht and Tla-o-qui-aht 
First Nations' (T'aaq-wiihak Nations') ISBM chinook salmon demonstration 
fishery by troll and gill net opened at 00:01 hours Tuesday August 29 to 23:59 
hours Monday September 4, 2017. 

The following areas were open for vessels under 25 feet in length: 

A portion of Subarea 25-1 in Matchlee Bay located southerly of a line drawn 
from Gauquina Point at 49 degrees 39.449 minutes north and 126 degrees 06.040 
minutes west to a point located north of Black Creek at 49 degrees 39.369 
minutes North and 126 degrees 05.165 minutes west and northerly of a line drawn 
from a point at 49 degrees 36.971 minutes north and 126 degrees 03.560 minutes 
west to a point located north of Matchlee Creek at 49 degrees 37.129 minutes 
north and 126 degrees 03.006 minutes west.

From 00:01 hours on August 29 to 23:59 hours on August 31, 2017 the TAC is 466 
chinook pieces and the vessel cap is 65 chinook pieces. From 00:01 hours on 
September 1 to 23:59 hours on September 4, 2017 the TAC is 208 chinook pieces 
and the new vessel cap is 30 chinook pieces.

All chinook retained for sale must be greater than 55 cm fork length (head on) 
and 44c m (head off). 

Chum and pink: Bycatch of chum and pink may be retained for sale.

All fish encountered in this fishery must be retained with the exception of 
dogfish and undersize chinook. Amounts of fish retained above the sale limits 
described above and all other fish species not permitted for sale will be 
counted against each T'aaq-wiihak Nations' Food, Social, and Ceremonial (FSC) 

Fishing shall be permitted by trolling with single barbless hooks and gill 
nets. Gill nets shall be a maximum of 50 fathoms long and 60 meshes deep and 
must be retrieved without the aid of any mechanical or hydraulic device. Gill 
nets must be attended at all times; a vessel can not be further than 50 meters 
from the deployed gill net at any time. The end of the gill net that is not 
attached to a vessel shall be marked with a lantern that gives a steady white 
light during the period beginning one hour after sunset and ending one hour 
before sunrise.

All harvesters must file a start fishing report (hail out) prior to 
participating in the fishery by calling or texting 250-266-0418 or emailing or completing the report online at

A vessel designated to harvest fish shall be identified by an Identification 
Number and by affixing an Identification Flag that is clearly visible, legible 
and unobstructed. Designation to partake in this fishery must accompany the 
participant while fishing or transporting fish harvested in this fishery. 

All fish caught in this fishery are to be landed at the designated landing 
Gold River Fuel Dock, Gold River

Transferring of catch from one vessel to another is not permitted without 
written permission in advance from the First Nation's Fishery Manager that the 
harvester is registered with.

All participants must obtain a Landing Slip, in order to sell any fish caught 
under the authority of this licence. All fish sold in this fishery must be 
accompanied by a Sales Slip. 

All fish retained for Sale and for FSC will be verified by T'aaq-wiihak 
dockside monitors. Harvesters must permit T'aaq-wiihak dockside monitors access 
to their catch for the verification procedure. J.O. Thomas and Associates 
monitors may also be sampling Chinook (and coho when applicable) for coded-wire 

Harvesters will maintain a logbook and submit a completed report to the T'aaq-
wiihak landing monitor at each landing. Landing slips will not be issued by the 
T'aaq-wiihak landing monitor without the submission of completed logbook 

T'aaq-wiihak harvesters are reminded to refer to the communal licence 
authorizing this fishery for complete details. Copies of the licence are 
available from the DFO Resource Manager, Peter Hall (250-720-4445), the 
Mowachaht/Muchalaht Fisheries Manager, Kadin Snook (250-283-2015) and the T'aaq-
wiihak Fisheries Manager, Alex Gagne (250-266-1071).

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is monitoring seabird by-catch to 
determine potential impact on bird populations under current fishing effort and 
bird numbers. Fishers are requested to submit all dead birds entangled in nets 
to ECCC for species confirmation and DNA analysis to determine the colony of 

Please call your local charter patrol to organize pick-up, drop carcasses off 
at a local DFO office, or contact ECCC directly by calling the Wild Bird 
Mortality Reporting Line 1-866-431-2473 (BIRD). Handle birds with gloves, 
double bag dead birds. Label bag with date, time, location, fishery opening and 
vessel name (Skipper name isn't needed). Alternatively, please send photographs 
of birds with a reference object such as a coin, and the date, time, location, 
fishery opening and vessel name to Questions: contact 
Laurie Wilson (, 604-862-8817).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is interested in reports of sea turtles in BC 
waters.  By documenting sightings we are able to learn more about how, when, 
and where these turtles are using our waters.  If you see a sea turtle, please 
call this toll-free phone number: 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663).  Please 
include information such as the type of sea turtle seen (i.e. leatherback), the 
location, and time of sighting. 
Fishers should be advised that whales can be encountered in the fishing area. 
Fishers should take precautionary measures to avoid fishing near whales to 
avoid potential contact with fishing gear. If a whale becomes entangled in 
fishing gear, fishers should immediately call the Observe, Record, Report (ORR) 
line at 1-800-465-4336. Fishers are advised not to attempt to free the whale of 
the fishing gear as this can pose a serious threat to the safety of the fisher 
and the animal. 

Fishers are advised to notify local DFO managers or patrol vessels to report 
abandoned, lost, or entangled gear.


Peter Hall, Resource Manager, Port Alberni (250) 720-4440

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0918
Sent September 7, 2017 at 1603