Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0903-Salmon - Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Update - Areas 11 to 29 - September 5, 2017

The Fraser River Panel met on Tuesday, September 5 to receive an update on the 
migration of the Fraser sockeye and pink runs to date and review the status of 
migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed.	

Test fishery catches of both sockeye and pink salmon have declined to low 
levels in both the Area 12 and 20 purse seine test fisheries. The decision was 
made during today's Panel meeting to terminate the Area 12 and 20 purse seine 
test fisheries on September 6 and 7 respectively. In-river sockeye test catches 
have fluctuated at low levels while pink catches have increased substantially. 
Based on the purse seine test catches in the two approach areas the projected 
sockeye diversion rate through Johnstone Strait has increased to 98% compared 
to the pre-season forecast of 51% and the pink diversion rate has increased to 
81% compared to the historical median of 50%.

The most recent DNA samples taken in the marine purse seine test fisheries show 
sockeye stock compositions in Area 20 of approximately 0% Early Summer, 72% 
Summer and 28% Late run stocks. In Area 12, the purse seine stock composition 
was 0% Early Summer, 60% Summer and 40% Late run stocks. The most recent in-
river stock identification samples from the Whonnock test fishery are showing 
stock proportions of 4% Early Summer, 63% Summer and 34% Late run stocks. The 
recent increase in the proportion of Late run stocks is suggesting that many 
late run fish are now entering the river rather than holding off the river. 

Daily sockeye escapement estimates are now being generated based on the 
Whonnock gill net test fishery catch per unit effort information as pink salmon 
abundance is causing issues with Mission based estimates.  Daily sockeye 
estimates during the past 4 days have ranged between 10,800 and 30,200.  The 
total estimated sockeye escapement as of September 4 is 1,329,200. Hell's Gate 
observations of sockeye have fluctuated recently on a declining trajectory. 

During the Fraser Panel call today no changes were made to the run size for any 
sockeye run timing groups.  At the current run size for Early Summer, Summer 
and Late run sockeye, there is no TAC available and as such only fisheries with 
minimal impact on sockeye are being considered at this time. The estimated 
escapement past Mission of Early Stuart, Early Summer, Summer and Late run 
sockeye as of September 4 is 46,400, 161,900, 995,600 and 125,300 fish, 

On September 4, the Fraser River water discharge at Hope was 1,856 cubic metres 
per second, which is approximately 24% lower than average for this date. The 
water temperature of the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on September 4 was  
18.8° Celsius which is 2.4° Celsius higher than average for this date. Water 
temperatures have been increasing due to the warmer than normal air 
temperatures which are expected to continue for the short term. Due to the very 
low discharge levels, water temperatures are highly influenced by air 

For pre-season planning purposes the Fraser Panel had adopted management 
adjustments for Early Summer, Summer and Late run sockeye that reflect the 
forecast water temperature and discharge conditions based on the May and June 
information for Early Summer and Summer run sockeye, and anticipated river 
entry dates for Late run fish. Due to the very poor return of Early Summer and 
Summer run stocks they are now being managed based on a Low Abundance 
Exploitation Rate (LAER) limit and as such there will be no modifications to 
the in-season management adjustments for these groups. Management adjustments 
are additional fish that are set aside from identified harvest levels and 
allowed to migrate upstream in an attempt to assist in achievement of 
identified spawner objectives for the different run timing groups.  No in-
season changes to the management adjustment are expected for Early Stuart, 
Early Summer, Summer and Late run groups in 2017.

During the Fraser Panel call today, the run size for pink salmon was reduced 
from the previous provisional run size of 4.8 million to 4.5 million with 
August 23 run timing. The most recent pink stock identification samples 
analyzed for Areas 12 and 20 purse seine test fisheries indicate Fraser origin 
pink salmon comprise 75% and 71%, respectively. Based on a pink run size of 4.5 
million the US total allowable catch has been achieved during the most recent 

Earlier in the season First Nations food, social and ceremonial sockeye 
fisheries were restricted by a 4 week window closure protecting Early Stuart 
and the earliest timed Early Summer run stocks with limited fishing 
opportunities in-river directed at Chinook salmon. These Chinook directed 
fisheries may continue to occur in both the lower and mid-river fishing areas 
up to Lillooet and in portions of the Thompson River drainage, until the coho 
window closure comes into effect. Areas in the Fraser River upstream of 
Lillooet have been severely impacted by the numerous forest fires this season 
which have prevented many First Nations from any fishing to date. As a result 
the department is allowing for limited sockeye directed fishing opportunities 
for a modest number of sockeye in a number of locations as no other species of 
salmon are available for harvest in these areas.  In inside coastal waters, 
limited fishing opportunities directed on pink, chum and chinook have been 
permitted with the retention of dead sockeye being permitted. Sockeye 
encountered and kept or released in all these fisheries are accounted for as 
part of the Low Abundance Exploitation Rate limits.

Food, social and ceremonial fishers in marine approach areas as well as the 
Fraser River are requested to check for the opening times and any restrictions 
in their local area.

The Department is receiving questions regarding the possibility of recreational 
fishery openings for chinook and/or pink salmon in the Fraser River.  At this 
time management measures in place are aimed at limiting impacts on Fraser 
sockeye while allowing First Nations food, social and ceremonial fisheries, 
directed on other species, to occur.  DFO will continue to monitor the 
migration of sockeye through the marine areas and the Fraser River and will 
consider an opening for pink salmon when it is determined that impacts of an in-
river recreational fishery would be minimal for sockeye.  As Late Run sockeye 
can demonstrate holding behaviour in the lower river and off the river mouth, 
such an opportunity is likely not to occur in the immediate future. Due to 
significantly reduced FSC harvest for First Nations this year, with very low 
harvests of both sockeye and chinook to date, DFO is not considering opening 
additional recreational chinook fisheries in the river at this time to provide 
for priority access for First Nations FSC fisheries.  For information on 
current recreational fishery opportunities for chinook in other areas please 
see the Department's web-site at:

The fifth upstream escapement report was released by DFO on August 31. The 
Early Stuart sockeye program is now complete. Enumeration programs are underway 
in a number of Early Summer and Summer run systems with low numbers of fish to 
date. The Scotch Creek counting fence was installed on August 9 with 2,288 
sockeye counted to date while the counting fence at Sweltzer Creek (Cultus) was 
installed on July 31 with 68 sockeye observed to August 22. Spawning channel 
counts in the Nadina River and Gates Creek are 1,005 and 1,440 respectively. 
Didson programs in the Chilko and Quesnel Rivers have enumerated 80,665 and 
21,181 sockeye respectively to date while an additional Didson program was 
recently initiated in the Stellako River.  In addition there are ongoing cyclic 
visual observation programs being conducted throughout the Fraser watershed 
where more intensive programs are not being conducted. Fish condition in most 
areas has been reported to be good so far this year.

The next in-season meeting of the Fraser River Panel is scheduled to occur on 
Friday, September 8, 2017.


Jennifer Nener 604-666-0789

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0903
Sent September 5, 2017 at 1617