Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Groundfish Trawl
FN0885-Inseason allocation of Offshore Hake Reserve Quota

Groundfish Trawl licence holders and harvesters are advised that DFO has 
released the Pacific hake reserve quota of 30,112 metric tonnes.  15,112 metric 
tonnes has been allocated to eligible groundfish trawl licences for shoreside 
delivery and 15,000 metric tonnes has been allocated for the Joint Venture 

Fees for these additional quotas have been calculated for each eligible 
groundfish trawl licence.  Fees owing are based on the permanent individual 
vessel quota percentage (%) of Offshore and Offshore JV hake held on a licence 
as of August 30th, multiplied by the newly released quota multiplied by the $4 
per mt licence fee for hake. 

Payment of the hake fees for each applicable groundfish trawl licence may now 
be made through the National Online Licensing System (NOLS).
Upon payment of fees, the Groundfish Management Unit (GMU) will assign and 
issue a licence amendment reflecting the revised Offshore and Offshore JV Hake 
IVQ for that licensed vessel. 

For more information please contact either Rob Tadey @ 604-666-3991, Awet 
Gebrehiwot @ 604-666-0010 or Anna Khan @ 604-666-5865.

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0885
Sent August 30, 2017 at 1618