Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0831-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll - Chum - Area F - Opening August 25, 2017

The Salmon Licence Area F troll fishery will open to retention of chum salmon 
at 00:01 hours, August 25, 2017 in the following areas:

Subareas 101-3 and 101-2

Those portions of Subareas 1-1, 101-1 and 142-2 that lie outside a line that 
begins at 53 degrees 57.144 minutes north and 133 degrees 07.938 minutes west 
[Morgan Point], then to 53 degrees 56.246 minutes north and 133 degrees 11.862 
minutes west [Hope Point], then true west to 53 degrees 56.246 minutes north 
and 133 degrees 17.500 minutes west, then to 53 degrees 47.000 minutes and 133 
degrees 10.000 minutes west, then true east to the Graham Island shore at 53 
degrees 47.000 minutes north and 133 degrees 7.000 minutes west [Tian Head], 
and then northerly following the shoreline of Graham Island to the beginning 
Note: The Frederick Island Rockfish Conservation Area remains closed to hook 
and line fisheries.

That portion of Subarea 2-88 north of 53 degrees 37 minutes north latitude.

Subareas 2-92, 2-97 and 2-98.

That portion of Subarea 142-2 north of 53 degrees 37 minutes north latitude.

Refer to a separate notice regarding retention of chinook salmon.
Refer to FN0590 regarding retention of coho and pink salmon.
Retention of sockeye and steelhead is not permitted.

Variation Order number 2017-NCTR-06 will be in effect beginning at 00:01 hours, 
August 25, 2017.

1. Area F troll vessel masters shall maintain a harvest log of all harvest 
operations. Please refer to Conditions of Licence for details. For those vessel 
masters planning on meeting these conditions using a paper harvest log, 
arrangements must be made with an authorized service provider (Archipelago 
Marine Research (AMR)). Vessel masters may also meet these conditions using an 
electronic harvest log (E-Log) and shall submit this information by digital 
transmission to the Salmon Fishery Database in a properly encoded electronic 
mail message. Arrangements for E-Log must be made with the authorized service 
provider M.C. Wright and Associates.

2. The 24-hour number for updated troll announcements for the salmon season is 

3. As per Area F Troll Conditions of Licence, troll vessel operators are 
required to retain all heads from chinook and coho that are caught and retained 
unless specifically listed as exempted from doing so. Area F licences exempted 
from retaining chinook and coho heads will be listed in a Fisheries Notice 
released prior to the fishery. Refer to Section 11 in the Conditions of Licence 
for detailed requirements regarding head retention and delivery.

4. Barbless hooks and operating revival tanks are requirements in this fishery.
5. Start Fishing Report - Prior to beginning fishing on the first day of a 
fishing trip, Area F vessel masters are required to submit a start fishing 
report containing the following information:

a) Vessel name;
b) Vessel registration number;
c) Intended fishing start date;
d) Areas to be fished;
e) Contact phone number;
f) Name of Vessel Master

Please refer to your Conditions of Licence for other reporting requirements. 
Note that management of the fishery is dependent on accurate and timely 
reporting of fishing effort and catch. Failure to complete start fishing, stop 
fishing and catch reports may result in premature closure of the fishery.
6. Daily Catch Reports - Fishers are reminded that Daily Catch reporting is a 
mandatory requirement for all fishing activity even if no fish are caught. 
Daily Catch Report required within 24 hours of entering port or fishery 
closing. Failure to report zero catches may result in over estimation of the 
total catch and premature closure of the fishery. Refer to your Conditions of 
Licence for more information.


Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is monitoring seabird by-catch to 
determine potential impact on bird populations under current fishing effort and 
bird numbers. Fishers are requested to submit all dead birds entangled in nets 
to ECCC for species confirmation and DNA analysis to determine the colony of 

Please call your local charter patrol to organize pick-up, drop carcasses off 
at a local DFO office, or contact ECCC directly by calling the Wild Bird 
Mortality Reporting Line 1-866-431-2473 (BIRD). Handle birds with gloves, 
double bag dead birds. Label bag with date, time, location, fishery opening and 
vessel name (Skipper name isn't needed). Alternatively, please send photographs 
of birds with a reference object such as a coin, and the date, time, location, 
fishery opening and vessel name to Questions: contact 
Laurie Wilson (, 604-862-8817).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is interested in reports of sea turtles in BC 
waters. By documenting sightings we are able to learn more about how, when, and 
where these turtles are using our waters. If you see a sea turtle, please call 
this toll-free phone number: 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663). Please include 
information such as the type of sea turtle seen (i.e. leatherback), the 
location, and time of sighting. 
Fishers should be advised that whales can be encountered in the fishing area. 
Fishers should take precautionary measures to avoid fishing near whales to 
avoid potential contact with fishing gear. If a whale becomes entangled in 
fishing gear, fishers should immediately call the Observe, Record, Report (ORR) 
line at 1-800-465-4336. Fishers are advised not to attempt to free the whale of 
the fishing gear as this can pose a serious threat to the safety of the fisher 
and the animal. 

Fishers are advised to notify local DFO managers or patrol vessels to report 
abandoned, lost, or entangled gear.


Peter Katinic
Area F Troll Manager

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0831
Sent August 18, 2017 at 1234