Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0827-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll - Chinook, Coho and Pink - Area F - Update August 17, 2017

The troll fishery closed to retention of chinook on August 4, 2017 (FN0689). 
The total validated catch is 88,991 chinook which is 82% of the 2017 Area F 
Troll TAC. The estimated harvest rate of WCVI chinook is 2.3% as estimated by 
fishing effort using the Effort Harvest Management Tool. Area F Troll is 
expected to reopen for chinook on August 25. Refer to a following Fishery 
Notice for details.

The Dixon Entrance targeted coho fishery opened July 10, 2017 (FN0590). The 
current catch is estimated to be 282,000 coho and 32,500 pink. Catch Per Unit 
Effort (CPUE) declined over the past week along with a significant shift of 
effort from Dixon Entrance to Portland Inlet with the opening of Area 3.

Area 3 Coho
The Nisga'a Lisims Government monitors Nass River coho abundance in-season 
using fish wheels. Nass River coho abundance has been very strong to date 
resulting in the opening of Area 3 to troll (FN0780) on August 7, 2017. A 
significant proportion of the Area F Troll fleet moved into Area 3 (32 vessels) 
for the opening, however most have now left. The observed CPUE in the area was 
fewer than 40 coho per vessel per day. Estimated catch to date in Area 3 is 
3900 coho and 972 pinks. Area 3 is expected to close at the end of the first 
week in September to reduce impact on late timing coastal stocks.  

Central Coast Limited Entry Coho Demonstration Fishery
The fishery opened August 1, 2017 (FN0723) with 4 vessels participating in Area 
6 and 1 vessel in Area 7. Coho CPUE was modest in Area 6 at 90 to 100 coho per 
vessel per day, and poor in Area 7. Total estimated catch by this demonstration 
fishery to date is 3,650 coho and 166 pinks. The second group of participants 
(FN0809) are now participating in the demonstration fishery until the scheduled 
closure on August 31.

Haida Demonstration Fishery
This demonstration fishery was proposed and reviewed as part of the work to 
implement updates to the Commercial Salmon Allocation Framework (CSAF) and was 
included in the draft 2017/2018 IFMP for public review and feedback prior to 
approval. This fishery is limited to vessels, less than 25 feet in length, and 
permits retention and sale of coho and pink salmon only. Additional 
restrictions include mandatory use of barbless hooks, with dockside monitoring 
and reporting by Haida monitors. The fishery opened August 9, 2017 (FN0791) 
with fishing scheduled 3 days a week for the remainder of the season. The 
allocation of coho for this fishery is a 2.07% share of coho caught by the Area 
F Troll. This allocation is based on 5 Area F Troll licences and updated on a 
weekly basis. The total allocation for this demonstration fishery as of this 
week is 5,850 coho.


Peter Katinic
Area F Troll Manager

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0827
Sent August 17, 2017 at 1216