Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0793-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll - Coho and Pink - Area 1 and 101 - Demonstration Fishery - Opening August 9, 2017 - Amendment to FN0791

This notice amends FN0791 to correct the vessel length restriction to 25 ft.  
The full corrected notice is as follows:

This demonstration fishery was proposed and reviewed as part of the work to 
implement updates to the Commercial Salmon Allocation Framework (CSAF)and was 
included in the draft 2017/2018 IFMP for public review and feedback prior to 
approval.  This demonstration fishery is being conducted by the Haida Nation.  
This fishery is limited to vessels, less than 25 feet in length, that are 
designated by the Haida Demonstration Fishery Manager on behalf of the Haida 
Nation. This fishery will be operating under a management plan agreed upon by 
the Department.

Effective 00:01 hours, August 9, 2017, the following Subareas of
Area 1 and 101 will open to trolling by Haida Mosquito Fleet vessels for coho 
and pink salmon until further notice:

- Subareas 1-2, 1-3, 1-5 and 1-7;
- Subarea 101-7.

Fishery Specifics:

The target species in this fishery is coho and pink salmon. Coho salmon 
retained must be greater than 30 cm in length measured from the tip of the nose 
to the fork of the tail; or 26 cm in length measured along the shortest length 
of the body to the fork of the tail where the head has been removed.  The Total 
Allowable Catch of coho is based on a share of the in-season Area F coho catch.

Use of barbless hooks is mandatory.

There is non-retention and non-possession of chinook, sockeye, chum and 
steelhead.  Fishers are required to release all fish, other than coho and pink 
salmon, with the least possible harm.

Designations are personal and non-transferable. Participants shall carry 
documentation to establish their identity as designated Haida Demonstration 
Fishery participants and membership of the Haida Nation while participating in 
the fishery.  This documentation shall also be carried while transporting fish 
harvested in the fishery and will be presented on request by any Fishery 
Officer or Haida Fisheries Guardian.

A vessel designated to harvest fish shall limited to 25 feet in length and be 
identified by an identification number and by affixing an identification flag. 
The vessel identification flag shall be mounted as high as practicable and be 
clearly visible, legible and unobstructed.

All participants must file a Start Fishing Report (hail out) prior to the start 
of fishing by calling 250-626-3302 or emailing 
The Start Fishing Report will include the following:
- Vessel master's name and vessel name; and
- Intended fishing start date;

Daily Catch Reports - each participant will keep a complete a daily catch 
record, provided by the Haida Fisheries Program.  Participants will complete 
the daily catch record prior to offloading of fish and shall contain the 
following information:
- Name of participant and participant number;
- Name of vessel and the vessel registration number; 
- Vessel master's name;
- Date fished;
- Area fished;
- Number of hours fished;
- Number of coho and pink salmon caught and retained by species;
- Number of hatchery marked coho (missing adipose fin);
- Number of fish released by species; and
- Number of non-fish (i.e. turtles, birds and mammals) encountered by species 
or type.

Transferring of catch from one vessel to another is not permitted.

Participants will remove and retain heads from hatchery marked coho (missing 
adipose fin). Coho heads removed prior to landing shall be delivered to Haida 
Fisheries Program monitors responsible for dockside catch monitoring. As an 
alternative to retaining the whole head, fishers can opt to keep the upper 
portion of the head extending from the tip of the snout to a cut travelling 
from the top of the head, passing 1 cm behind the eye, and ending at the back 
corner of the mouth. There is no need to retain the lower jaws or gill plates.

All fish are to be landed at the designated landing site to allow for 
inspection and attendance by dockside monitors. The designated landing site for 
this fishery is: 
CBI Fisheries Dock, Masset.

All fish landed will be validated by dockside monitors designated by the Haida 
Fisheries Program. Participants must permit Haida Fisheries Program monitors 
access to their catch at landing sites for the validation procedure. 

All participants will submit a hard copy of the daily catch record for that 
trip to the monitor at each landing. No Landing Slip will be issued by the 
monitor until the completed daily catch record has been provided.  All 
participants must obtain a Landing Slip, in order to sell any fish caught. All 
fish sold in this fishery must be accompanied by a Sales Slip. 
Haida Demonstration Fishery Fleet Participants are reminded to refer to the 
communal licence authorizing this fishery for complete details. Copies of the 
licence are available from the Area F Troll Manager, Peter Katinic (250-559-
8330) and the Haida Mosquito Demonstration Fishery Manager, Vanessa Bellis (250-

Fishers are reminded: 

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is monitoring seabird by-catch to 
determine potential impact on bird populations under current fishing effort and 
bird numbers. Fishers are requested to submit all dead birds entangled in nets 
to ECCC for species confirmation and DNA analysis to determine the colony of 

Please call your local charter patrol to organize pick-up, drop carcasses off 
at a local DFO office, or contact ECCC directly by calling the Wild Bird 
Mortality Reporting Line 1-866-431-2473 (BIRD). Handle birds with gloves, 
double bag dead birds. Label bag with date, time, location, fishery opening and 
vessel name (Skipper name isn't needed). Alternatively, please send photographs 
of birds with a reference object such as a coin, and the date, time, location, 
fishery opening and vessel name to Questions: contact 
Laurie Wilson (, 604-862-8817).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is interested in reports of sea turtles in BC 
waters.  By documenting sightings we are able to learn more about how, when, 
and where these turtles are using our waters.  If you see a sea turtle, please 
call this toll-free phone number: 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663).  Please 
include information such as the type of sea turtle seen (i.e. leatherback), the 
location, and time of sighting. 
Fishers should be advised that whales can be encountered in the fishing area. 
Fishers should take precautionary measures to avoid fishing near whales to 
avoid potential contact with fishing gear. If a whale becomes entangled in 
fishing gear, fishers should immediately call the Observe, Record, Report (ORR) 
line at 1-800-465-4336. Fishers are advised not to attempt to free the whale of 
the fishing gear as this can pose a serious threat to the safety of the fisher 
and the animal. 

Fishers are advised to notify local DFO managers or patrol vessels to report 
abandoned, lost, or entangled gear.

The 24 hour toll-free phone-in line for fisheries notices is 1-866-431-3474.

Peter Katinic
Area F Troll Manager

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0793
Sent August 9, 2017 at 1026