Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
FN0710-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net - Chum - Area 25 & 26 - Area D WCVI Limited Effort Chum Assessment Fisheries - Draw Results

Further to FN0672 and FN0550, the selection by random draw for the WCVI limited 
effort chum assessment fisheries was concluded at the DFO Port Alberni office 
on July 21. The first fishery drawn was for Nootka followed by Esperanza and 
lastly for Kyuquot. Vessels selected in the top 4 were ineligible for draws in 
fisheries selected later. The following is the ranked list of selected vessels 
for the Nootka Sound fishery:

Rank	Vessel		VRN
1	Sharron Lynn	23548
2	Island Viking	28918
3	Cougar Bay	28779
4	Deep Six		24953
5	Odessa V K	25477
6	R.G. IX		24141
7	Ryan D		24737
8	Ice Crystal	29077
9	Miss Meg		29727
10	Sunburst		25212
11	Wendy Lyn IV	26906
12	River Wind	29181
13	Silver Dawn	28587
14	Viking Maid	28585
15	Endurance		26006
16	Lady Marie II	23969
17	BC Valour		22063
18	Prime Time III	29151
19	Tiny Bubbles	28521
20	Blue Mist II	25005
21	Ocean Retreat	23025
22	Tamora		26932
23	Shane E		22918
24	Grace XIX		24972
25	Point Blank	30560
26	Twin Stars	21894
27	Never Ending	30240
28	Miss Ernestine	24214
29	Old Style		26622
30	Jet Lag		30031
31	Lormax		312215
32	Ganhada		26116
33	Mythmaker		29502
34	You Owe Me	29575
35	Harvest Moon	26935
36	Glennora III	26933
37	Jet Set		30230
38	Star Search	28626
39	Smoke Notch	29813
40	Red Bone		28873
41	Quick Change	30145
42	Karen Ann II	24885
43	Chimera I		25559
44	Sweet Honey	21876

The following is the ranked list of selected vessels for the Esperanza Inlet 

Rank	Vessel		VRN
1	Twin Stars	21894
2	Smoke Notch	29813
3	Lady Marie II	23969
4	Tiny Bubbles	28521
5	Mythmaker		29502
6	Red Bone		28873
7	Sweet Honey	21876
8	Grace XIX		24972
9	Sunburst		25212
10	Blue Mist II	25005
11	Harvest Moon	26935
12	Star Search	28626
13	Ocean Retreat	23025
14	Lormax		312215
15	Ice Crystal	29077
16	Jet Lag		30031
17	Never Ending	30240
18	Odessa V K	25477
19	Jet Set		30230
20	Quick Change	30145
21	You Owe Me	29575
22	Prime Time III	29151
23	River Wind	29181
24	R.G. IX		24141
25	Island Shadow	29746
26	Ganhada		26116
27	Viking Maid	28585
28	Old Style		26622
29	Endurance		26006
30	Kermode		30623
31	Glennora III	26933
32	Point Blank	30560
33	Wendy Lyn IV	26906
34	Karen Ann II	24885
35	Tamora		26932
36	Ryan D		24737
37	Chimera I		25559
38	Miss Ernestine	24214

The following is the ranked list of selected vessels for the Kyuquot Sound 

Rank	Vessel		VRN
1	Point Blank	30560
2	Maile III		25999
3	Never Ending	30240
4	Jet Lag		30031
5	Prime Time III	29151
6	Kermode		30623
7	Mythmaker		29502
8	Blue Mist II	25005
9	River Wind	29181
10	Island Shadow	29746
11	Wendy Lyn IV	26906
12	Quick Change	30145
13	Jet Set		30230
14	Grace XIX		24972
15	Lormax		312215
16	Sunburst		25212
17	Old Style		26622
18	Sweet Honey	21876

Additional information on the WCVI limited effort fisheries being considered 
will be provided in subsequent Fishery Notices. As a reminder, below is the 
information previously provided in FN0550 and FN0672:

Limited effort WCVI chum assessment fisheries being considered for 2017 include 
Nootka (Area 25), Esperanza (Area 25) and Kyuquot (Area 26). Pre-season 
forecasts and fishery reference points are as follows:

Fishery; forecast; forecast range; lower fishery reference point; target 
fishery reference point.

Nootka; 41,000; 20,000-63,000; 26,000; 53,000
Esperanza; 60,000; 30,000-90,000; 24,000; 50,000
Kyuquot; 62,000; 24,000-99,000; 25,000; 68,000

These fisheries are being planned with the following management measures; 
however consultations with First Nations in some of these areas are on-going 
and therefore are subject to change.

4 vessels
2 days per week
Daylight hours only
60 mesh nets with a minimum mesh size of 149 mm 
Start date no earlier than September 25

Please note:

The Area D Harvest Committee has offered a fifth spot in each fishery to the 
local First Nations if they would like to participate.

The Nootka fishery could be upgraded to a full fleet fishery depending on in-
season information.

Esperanza fisheries in past years have achieved estimated harvest rates well 
above the 15% target. The fishing area for Esperanza will be significantly 
reduced in 2017 to drop the harvest rate down to the 15% target.


Peter Hall, Resource Manager
Port Alberni - 250-720-4440

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0710
Sent July 25, 2017 at 1627