Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Gill Net
FN0688-Demonstration Fishery - Salmon: Gill Net - Chum - First Nations - Area 8 - Opening July 21, 2017

This demonstration fishery is being conducted by the Nuxalk First Nation, and 
licenced through the Commercial Salmon Allocation Framework.  This is a limited 
entry fishery, with only vessels listed on the licence for this fishery allowed 
to participate.  This fishery is taking place as described in the 2017 Salmon 
Integrated Fishery Management Plan.

The gill net fishery will open for 16 hours, from 06:00 hours to 22:00 hours, 
July 21, 2017 in the following areas:

Bella Coola Gill Net Area: Subarea 8-10, a portion of 8-11 west of a line from 
52 degrees 23.25 minutes north latitude and 126 degrees 50.68 minutes west 
longitude to 52 degrees 22.24 minutes north latitude and 126 degrees 49.75 
minutes west longitude, that portion of Subarea 8-12 north of a line at 52 
degrees 13.05 minutes north latitude (North of Bensins Island), and subarea 8-

Minimum Mesh 158 mm. Maximum Depth 60 Meshes.  Maximum Hang Ratio 3:1, Corkline 
to Web Distance Minimum 0 cm, Maximum 45 cm.  

The target species in this fishery is Bella Coola chum. The Total Allowable 
Catch of Bella Coola chum is based on a share of the total Area C catch in the 
Bella Coola Gill Net Area. 

This gill net fishery is being conducted with non-retention and non-possession 
of steelhead and coho.  Fishers are required to release all steelhead and coho 
to the water with the least possible harm. Fishers are requested to release all 
live sockeye to the water to assist in addressing concerns over a trend to low 
returns of sockeye.
Operating revival boxes are mandatory and all prohibited species captured 
incidentally must be either revived in the revival tank and released, or 
released directly to the water with the least possible harm.

For more details, fishers are asked to read the Conditions of Licence issued by 
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, or to contact the Nuxalk Fisheries Program.

Fishers are reminded: 

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is monitoring seabird by-catch to 
determine potential impact on bird populations under current fishing effort and 
bird numbers. Fishers are requested to submit all dead birds entangled in nets 
to ECCC for species confirmation and DNA analysis to determine the colony of 

Please call your local charter patrol to organize pick-up, drop carcasses off 
at a local DFO office, or contact ECCC directly by calling the Wild Bird 
Mortality Reporting Line 1-866-431-2473 (BIRD). Handle birds with gloves, 
double bag dead birds. Label bag with date, time, location, fishery opening and 
vessel name (Skipper name isn't needed). Alternatively, please send photographs 
of birds with a reference object such as a coin, and the date, time, location, 
fishery opening and vessel name to Questions: contact 
Laurie Wilson (, 604-862-8817).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is interested in reports of sea turtles in BC 
waters.  By documenting sightings we are able to learn more about how, when, 
and where these turtles are using our waters.  If you see a sea turtle, please 
call this toll-free phone number: 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663).  Please 
include information such as the type of sea turtle seen (i.e. leatherback), the 
location, and time of sighting. 
Fishers should be advised that whales can be encountered in the fishing area. 
Fishers should take precautionary measures to avoid fishing near whales to 
avoid potential contact with fishing gear. If a whale becomes entangled in 
fishing gear, fishers should immediately call the Observe, Record, Report (ORR) 
line at 1-800-465-4336. Fishers are advised not to attempt to free the whale of 
the fishing gear as this can pose a serious threat to the safety of the fisher 
and the animal. 

Fishers are advised to notify local DFO managers or patrol vessels to report 
abandoned, lost, or entangled gear.

The 24 hour toll-free phone-in line for fisheries notices is 1-866-431-3474.


Jeff Radford: 250-799-5345

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0688
Sent July 21, 2017 at 1036