Fishery Notice

Yukon/TBR - Commercial Salmon
Yukon/TBR - General
FN0560-YUKON/TBR - COMMERCIAL Salmon - Stikine and Taku Rivers - 2017 Chinook By-Catch and Spaghetti Tag Recoveries

Inseason information suggests that Chinook salmon runs on both the Stikine and 
Taku rivers are not sufficient enough to meet escapement needs for 2017. As a 
result, directed sockeye salmon fisheries will be managed to reduce incidental 
harvest of Chinook salmon. Current measures include delayed openings in the 
directed sockeye fishery, reduced fishing time, gillnet mesh restrictions 
(maximum 5.5"), and reduction/restrictions on gear types and quantities (i.e. 
limited set net use).

Despite the significant measures to reduce incidental harvest of Chinook 
salmon, it is anticipated that some interceptions of Chinook salmon will occur. 
Commercial fishers on both the Stikine and Taku rivers are being asked to 
release all healthy Chinook salmon caught in the directed sockeye salmon 
fisheries in order to maximize the number of fish reaching the spawning 
grounds. To support the Chinook salmon assessment program, additional tag 
recovery effort is anticipated on the spawning grounds with the intent of 
developing a reliable post season run size estimate. Fishers can assist in this 
effort by leaving tags attached to Chinook salmon caught and released during 
the directed sockeye salmon fishery. Fishers are reminded to record all 
released fish.

For more information contact:

Bill Waugh, Fisheries and Oceans Canada - (867)393-6764 

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0560
Sent June 21, 2017 at 1525