Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Shrimp Trawl
FN0557-Opportunity to Apply for LED Light Testing Scientific Licence in the WCVI Shrimp Trawl Fishery

In recent years testing of LED lights in shrimp trawl fisheries in other 
jurisdictions has indicated that reductions in bycatch may be possible through 
their use.  A study in Oregon in 2015 showed bycatch reductions in several 
species.  The Department is interested in providing opportunities for shrimp 
trawl vessels operating in British Columbia to test the use of LED lights, and 
has stated that vessels fishing under a category 'S' licence in the West Coast 
Vancouver Island fishery (PFMAs 21, 121, 23, 123, 124, and 125) may apply for a 
scientific licence to allow the use of these lights while conducting commercial 
fishing operations during the 2017-18 fishing season.

The use of artificial lights in any manner to attract or repel fish is normally 
prohibited in the shrimp by trawl fishery under section 8(1) of the Pacific 
Fisheries Regulations.  Vessels applying and receiving a scientific licence to 
test LED lights may use the LED lights in the Pacific Fisheries Management 
Areas authorized under the licence, provided all other licence conditions as 
stated in the shrimp by trawl conditions of licence are also followed.
In order to apply for a scientific licence vessel licence holders may complete 
the experimental licence application form, and submit the completed form to Dan 
Clark at

A link to the application form is provided here:

Please allow at least 10 days for the processing of the application.

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0557
Sent June 21, 2017 at 1037