Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0522-COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll - Area F - 2017 Mandatory Reporting Requirements

In-season activity and catch reporting is a mandatory requirement under the 
Area F Conditions of Licence.  This information is important for in-season 
management of the fishery.  Furthermore, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has 
identified improved catch monitoring as a fundamental priority for fisheries 
management. Failure to comply with Area F Conditions of Licence, in particular 
those sections specific to activity and catch monitoring will be a priority for 
enforcement action.

Summary of mandatory reporting requirements while fishing for salmon, as 
stipulated in the 2017 Area F Troll Conditions of Licence, are as follows:

A "fishing trip" is defined as the time between leaving a port to commence 
commercial salmon fishing and the return to a port or the landing of catch.


Start Fishing - Before starting a fishing trip - AMR/MCW

End Fishing - Within 24 hours after end of a fishing trip - AMR/MCW

Cancel Fishing - Within 72 hours after intended start - AMR/MCW

Daily Catch Report - Within 24 hours of entering port or fishery closing - 

Chinook Validation Scheduling - 24 hours prior to landing, between 07:00 and 
17:00 - JOT 

If not validating offload 
Salmon Head Recovery-24 hrs prior to landing, between 0800 and 1600-SHRP

Log Book - Archipelago Marine Research-(AMR)-Ph: 1-888-387-0007
E-Log - M.C. Wright and Associates-(MCW)-Ph: 1-250-753-1055
Validation - J.O. Thomas and Associates-(JOT)-Ph: 1-888-624-2646
Salmon Head Recovery Program-(SHRP)-Ph: 1-800-663-3344


For Details on these requirements, consult your Area F Conditions of Licence


Peter Katinic
Area F Troll Manager

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0522
Sent June 8, 2017 at 1446