Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Crab
FN0398-COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Crab - Area B - Portions of Area 5 - Opening 1 May 2017

Subareas 5-4 to 5-8 of Crab Management Area B will open 08:00 hours May 1, 2017 
to the harvest of Dungeness, and Red Rock Crab. 

To avoid gear tangles, Area B Crab harvesters wishing to participate are 
requested to not exceed the half trap vessel limit 158 traps.

The Herring fishery is now complete and the area will be opened to commercial 
crab fishing.

Variation Order No. 2017-242 is hereby in effect.

Effective 08:00 hours May 1, 2017 the Area B crab fishery continues in the 
following subareas:

Subareas 3-1 to 3-11, a portion of 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, and 3-17;
Subareas 4-1 to 4-7, a portion of 4-8, a portion of 4-9, 4-12 to 4-15;
Subareas 5-1, 5-2, 5-4 to 5-9 and 5-11 to 5-24;
Portions of Subarea 6-2;
Subareas 6-5 to 6-22, 6-24 to 6-28;
Subareas 7-1 to 7-5, 7-7 to 7-9, 7-12, 7-18 to 7-32;
Subareas 8-1, 8-2, 8-4 to 8-6, 8-8 to 8-10, 8-12, 8-14 to 8-16;
Subareas 9-1, 9-5, 9-7 to 9-12; 
Subareas 10-1 to 10-12.


Hanging Bait

The use of hanging bait is prohibited in Area B.  All bait must be placed 
within a hard plastic bait cup with a screw-top lid.  The bait cups may have 
holes drilled in them but holes can be no larger than 8 mm in diameter.

Trap Limits

The Area B trap limit is 316 including a maximum of 158 traps in the seasonal 
Nass Estuary area.

Best Management Practices:

Release all by-catch species with the least possible harm.  Retention of 
flatfish, finfish, and soft, female, and undersized Dungeness crab is 

To improve FSC access and to reduce conflicts, keep gear away from areas 
fronting first nation reserves. 

Buoy lines should be appropriate for water depth and tide cycles

Keep crab buoys brightly painted and in accordance with licence conditions

Minimise wash in harbours, particularly at boat launches, marinas and other 

Avoid pulling crab traps through beds of eel grass

If commercial harvesters are replacing active crab traps with ones that have 
been inactive for more than 18 days they should transfer the RFID chip from the 
active trap to the replacement trap.  This RFID replacement activity will help 
minimise violation errors associated with oversoak and trap allocation 

Escape Holes 
Vessel masters are reminded that all traps fished must now have two 105 mm 
escape holes located not more than 100 mm below the top of the frame. 

Soft-Shell Crab
Soft-shell crab may not be retained or possessed in the commercial crab 
fishery.  This prohibition also applies to crab buyers and processors. 
"Soft-shell crab" means a crab whose shell is not fully hardened, and yields to 
finger pressure.  A crab with a durometer measurement of 70 units or less is 
defined as a soft-shell crab.

Camera Electronic Monitoring

The service provider for Area B is Pacific Coast Fishery Services Inc. (250-931-
7686,  This service provider provides EM coverage, plastic 
trap tags & RFID Chips, logbook service, and conducts biological sampling.  
Prior to fishing, all vessels must have installed a camera electronic 
monitoring (EM) system by PCFS or arrange for observer coverage.

Area B Year Round Crab Closures

All Area B Crab areas will remain closed from 0001 hours January 1st, 2017 to 
0800 hours March 1st, 2017 and from 0001 hours December 1st to 2359 hours 
December 31st, 2017.  In addition, the following areas are closed permanently 
to commercial crab harvesting:

Those portions of Subarea 3-12 and the Nass River estuary inside a line that 
begins at 55°00.626'N 130°00.329'W [Nass Point] then to 55º00.000'N 
130º01.000'W then to 54º58.200'N 129º55.000'W then to 54°59.082'N 129°55.053'W 
[Fort Point navigation marker] then following the shoreline to the beginning 
point. (First Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure) Stewart: 
That portion of 3-15 lying northerly of the parallel passing through 55°
37.617'N [Green Islets] and easterly of the international boundary between 
Canada and the United States; 

Subarea 3-16 
Those waters of Portland Canal and adjacent waters lying northerly of the 
parallel passing through 55°47.807'N at Engineers Point and easterly of the 
international boundary between Canada and the United States. 
(First Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closures) Prince Rupert: 
That portion of Subarea 4-9 inside a line that begins at 54°20.141'N 130°
27.678'W [Observation Point] then to 54°19.921'N 130°29.696'W [Doolan Point] 
then following the easterly shoreline of Tugwell Island to 54°19.125'N 130°
30.980'W [Dawes Point] then to 54°18.447'N 130°28.457'W [Straith Point] then to 
the beginning point; 

Subarea 4-10 
Those waters of Prince Rupert Harbour and adjacent waters inside a line that 
begins at 54°20.141'N 130°27.678'W [Observation Point] then following the 
shoreline of Tuck Inlet to 54°20.197'N 130°16.490'W [Pethick Point] then to 54°
20.052'N 130°17.009'W [Ritchie Point] then following the westerly shoreline of 
Kaien Island to 54°14.079'N 130°20.085'W [near Bishop Island] then to 54°
14.113'N 130°22.665'W [Lima Point] then following the easterly shoreline of 
Digby Island to 54°18.447'N 130°28.457'W [Straith Point] then to the beginning 

Subarea 4-11 
Those waters of Porpoise Harbour, Wainwright Basin, Morse Bay, and adjacent 
waters lying southerly of a line that begins at 54°20.052'N 130°17.009'W 
[Ritchie Point] then to 54°20.197'N 130°16.490'W [Pethick Point] and northerly 
of a line that begins at 54°12.152'N 130°18.514'W [Ridley Island] then to 54°
12.097'N 130°18.142'W [Lelu Island] then northerly following the shoreline to 
54°12.634'N 130°17.485'W [Lelu Island] then true east to 54°12.634'N 130°
17.199'W [Tsimpsean Peninsula].

(First Nations FSC Recreational Access Closure and the Dioxin closures.) 

Please refer to the First Nations Harvest plan or the BC Tidal Water Sport 
Fishing Guide for the Dioxin Closure information. Kitkatla: 

Subarea 5-3 
Those waters of Kitkatla Channel and adjacent waters inside a line that begins 
at 53°50.268'N 130°30.206'W [Chief Point] then easterly following the shoreline 
to 53°49.704'N 130°20.488'W [Sparrowhawk Point] then to 53°47.766'N 130°
18.771'W [McCauley Island] then to 53°47.308'N 130°23.724'W [Browning Island] 
then to 53°47.490'N 130°24.571'W [Dolphin Island] then following the northerly 
shoreline of Dolphin Island to 53°47.819'N 130°25.981'W [Kitkatla Village on 
Dolphin Island] then to 53°49.194'N 130°30.009'W [Goschen Island] then to the 
beginning point; 

Subarea 5-10 
Those waters of Browning Entrance and adjacent waters inside a line that begins 
at 53°49.194'N 130°30.009'W [Goschen Island] then to 53°47.819'N 130°25.981'W 
[Kitkatla Village on Dolphin Island] then following the southerly shoreline of 
Dolphin Island to 53°47.490'N 130°24.571'W [Dolphin Island] then to 53°47.308'N 
130°23.724'W [Browning Island] then to 53°47.766'N 130°18.771'W [McCauley 
Island] then southerly following the shoreline to 53°40.427'N 130°24.525'W 
[Baird Point] then to 53°38.261'N 130°27.990'W [Banks Island] then to 53°
47.291'N 130°33.162'W [Viscount Point] then northeasterly following the 
shoreline to the beginning point. (First Nations FSC and Recreational Access 
Closure) Kitimat: 

Subarea 6-1 
Those waters of Douglas Channel, Devastation Channel, Kitimat Arm, and adjacent 
waters lying northeasterly of a line that begins at 53°45.238'N 129°01.852'W 
[Paisley Point] then to 53°41.498'N 129°05.121'W [Grant Point] then following 
the shoreline to 53°41.197'N 129°04.789'W [Maitland Island] then to 53°40.494'N 
129°04.797'W [Hawkesbury Island] then following the easterly shoreline of 
Hawkesbury Island to 53°33.600'N 128°53.406'W [Eva Point] then to 53°34.147'N 
128°49.007'W [Staniforth Point] then to 53°33.903'N 128°46.107'W [mainland]; Coghlan Anchorage: 
That portion of Subarea 6-2 west of a line begins at 53°25.478'N 129°14.242'W 
[Halsey Point] then to 53°24.728'N 129°14.214'W [Dawson Point] then following 
the westerly shoreline of Promise Island to 53°22.022'N 129°15.699'W [Thom 
Point] then to 53°21.878'N 129°16.208'W [Waterman Point] then northerly 
following the shoreline to the beginning point; Kitkiata Inlet:
That portion of Subarea 6-2 west of a line begins at 53°37.876'N 129°13.853'W 
[Gertrude Point] then to 53°36.798'N 129°14.411'W [Helen Point]; Kiskosh Inlet:
That portion of Subarea 6-2 west of a line begins at 53°31.180'N 129°13.955'W 
then to 53°30.579'N 129°14.140'W.
(First Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure) Kynoch Inlet:

Subarea 7-11
Those waters of Kynoch Inlet lying easterly of a line that begins at 52°
46.109'N 128°07.820'W [Garvey Point] then to 52°45.582'N 128°06.788'W [Kynoch 
Point]. (First Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure) Fitz Hugh Sound:

Subarea 8-3:
Those waters of Fitz Hugh Sound including the Koeye River estuary inside a line 
that begins at 51°44.011'N 127°59.798'W [Kelpie Point Light] then to 51°
48.949'N 127°53.842'W [Uganda Point] then southerly following the shoreline to 
51°42.967'N 127°53.462'W [Whidbey Point] then to the beginning point. (First 
Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure). Dean Channel

Subarea 8-7:
Those waters of Dean Channel and adjacent waters lying northeasterly of a line 
that begins at 52°16.065'N 127°47.100'W [Boscowitz Point] then to 52°14.759'N 
127°45.956'W [Rattenbury Point] and southwesterly of a line that begins at 52°
27.297'N 127°17.586'W [north of Eucott Bay] then to 52°26.354'N 127°16.415'W 
[Edward Point]. (First Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure) North Bentinck Arm

Subarea 8-11:
Those waters of North Bentinck Arm and adjacent waters lying easterly of a line 
begins at 52°19.9482N 126°59.1642W [Loiyentsi Point] then to 52°18.0842N 127°
00.4572W [near Menzies Point] then to 52°18.7272N 126°57.9052W [Tallheo Point]. Burke Channel

Subarea 8-13:
Those waters of Burke Channel and adjacent waters inside a line that begins at 
52°12.377'N 127°29.953'W [King Island] then to 52°11.198'N 127°28.355'W 
[Cathedral Point] then to 52°09.508'N 127°31.638'W [Mapalaklenk Point] then 
southerly following the shoreline to 51°54.326'N 127°52.267'W [Edmund Point] 
then to 51°55.448'N 127°54.337'W [Walker Point] then following the easterly 
shoreline of Humchitt Island to 51°55.884'N 127°53.892'W [Humchitt Island] then 
true east to 52°55.884'N 127°53.684'W [King Island] then northerly following 
the shoreline to the beginning point. (First Nations FSC and Recreational 
Access Closure)

5.3.2. Area B Seasonal Crab Closures Khutzeymateen Inlet:

Subarea 3-10:
Those waters of Khutzeymateen Inlet and adjacent waters lying easterly of a 
line that begins at 54°42.989'N 130°13.731'W [Keemein Point] then to 54°
43.589'N 130°13.050'W [Welgeegenk Point] closes to commercial crab fishing at 
00:01 hours November 16, (Winter Ice Closure). Nass Estuary, (with half trap vessel limit):
Those portions of Subareas 3-12, 3-18 and the Nass River estuary inside a line 
begins at 54°58.995'N 130°06.270'W [Ramsden Point Light] then to a 54°56.5'N 
130°04.2'W located three nautical miles southwest of Arrandale on Mylor 
Peninsula then following the shoreline to 54°58.933'N 129°50.385'W [Leading 
Point] then to 54°59.620'N 129°53.467'W [east of Mill Bay] then following the 
shoreline to 55°00.626'N 130°00.329'W [Nass Point] then dues west to 55°
00.626'N 130°03.350'W, (on the opposite mainland shore) then following the 
shoreline to the beginning point closed January 1 to 12:00 hours October 1 of 
each year and from 00:01 hours, November 16 to December 31 of each calendar 
year. (First Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure) Stewart:
That portion of 3-15 lying southerly of the parallel passing through 55°
37.617'N [Green Islets] and easterly of the international boundary between 
Canada and the United States closed January 1 to 12:00 hours October 1, of each 
calendar year. (First Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure) Big Bay:
That portion of Subarea 4-8 east of a line that begins at 54°28.461'N 130°
25.712'W [Shattock Point] then to 54°27.342'N 130°27.049'W [Simpson Point] 
closed January 1 to 12:00 hours October 1, of each calendar year. (First 
Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure) Prince Rupert:
That portion of Subarea 4-9 inside a line that begins at 54°21.803'N 130°
29.243'W [Ryan Point] then to 54°20.355'N 130°30.519'W [Chapman Point] then 
following the easterly shoreline of Tugwell Island to 54°19.921'N 130°29.696'W 
[Doolan Point] then to 54°20.141'N 130°27.678'W [Observation Point] then 
following the shoreline to the beginning point closed January 1 to 12:00 hours 
October 1, of each calendar year. (First Nations FSC and Recreational Access 
Closure) Kitkatla:

Subarea 5-4
Those waters of Kitkatla Inlet and adjacent waters inside a line that begins at 
53°53.961'N 130°41.984'W [Porcher Peninsula] then true east to 53°53.961'N 130°
39.758'W [Gurd Island] then following the southerly shoreline of Gurd Island to 
53°53.765'N 130°35.208'W [Gurd Island] then to 53°53.765'N 130°33.400'W [Snass 
Point] then to 53°52.233'N 130°30.941'W [Whiteley Point] then southerly 
following the shoreline to 53°50.268'N 130°30.206'W [Chief Point] then to 53°
49.194'N 130°30.009'W [Goschen Island] then following the northeasterly 
shoreline of Goschen Island to 53°51.024'N 130°33.962'W [Nubble Point] then to 
53°51.333'N 130°35.312'W [Coquitlam Island] then to 53°51.542'N 130°36.661'W 
[Porcher Peninsula] then northerly following the shoreline to the beginning 

Subarea 5-5
Those waters of Kitkatla Inlet and adjacent waters inside a line that begins at 
53°56.184'N 130°38.170'W [Porcher Island] then to 53°55.438'N 130°35.062'W 
[Porcher Island] then southerly following the shoreline to 53°53.765'N 130°
33.400'W [Snass Point] then true west to 53°53.765'N 130°35.208'W [Gurd Island] 
then northerly following the shoreline to 53°55.237'N 130°37.984'W [Gurd Point] 
then to the beginning point;

Subarea 5-6
Those waters of Dries Inlet and adjacent waters lying northerly of a line that 
begins at 53°56.184'N 130°38.170'W [Porcher Island] then to 53°55.438'N 130°
35.062'W [Porcher Island];

Subarea 5-7
Those waters of Serpentine Inlet and adjacent waters lying northerly of a line 
that begins at 53°55.060'N 130°40.843'W [Porcher Peninsula] then to 53°56.184'N 
130°38.170'W [Porcher Island];

Subarea 5-8
Those waters of Kitkatla Inlet and adjacent waters inside a line that begins at 
53°55.060'N 130°40.843'W [Porcher Peninsula] then to 53°56.184'N 130°38.170'W 
[Porcher Island] then to 53°55.237'N 130°37.984'W [Gurd Point] then southerly 
following the shoreline to 53°53.961'N 130°39.758'W [Gurd Island] then true 
west to 53°53.960'N 130°41.984'W [Porcher Peninsula] then northerly following 
the shoreline
to the beginning point closed by variation order and notice to industry during 
the herring seine and roe-on-kelp fisheries, (Herring Seine and Roe-on-Kelp 
Closure). Portions of Area 6:

Subarea 6-3
Those waters of Verney Passage, Ursula Channel, and adjacent waters inside a 
line that begins at 53°33.600'N 128°53.406'W [Eva Point] then to 53°34.147'N 
128°49.007'W [Staniforth Point] then southerly following the shoreline to 53°
18.723'N 128°53.302'W [mainland] then to 53°18.867'N 128°56.685'W [Pilot Point] 
then following the northerly shoreline of Gribbell Island to 53°22.910'N 129°
07.364'W [Gribbell Island] then true west to 53°22.910'N 129°09.921'W [Money 
Point] then following the easterly shoreline of Hawkesbury Island to the 
beginning point;

Subarea 6-4
Those waters of Gardner Canal and adjacent waters lying southerly of a line 
that begins at 53°34.147'N 128°49.007'W [Staniforth Point] then to 53°33.903'N 
128°46.107'W [mainland]; Khutze Inlet:

Subarea 6-23
Those waters of Khutze Inlet lying easterly of a line that begins at 53°
05.259'N 128°33.381'W [Asher Point] then to 53°04.041'N 128°33.051'W [Griffin 
Closed January 1 to 12:00 hours October 1, of each calendar year. (First 
Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure). Portions of Area 7:

Subarea 7-6
Those waters of Finlayson Channel inside a line that begins at 52°53.012'N 128°
30.634'W [Sarah Head] then true east to 52°53.012'N 128°29.883'W [mainland] 
then following the shoreline to 52°49.124'N 128°23.499'W [Carter Point] then to 
52°48.316'N 128°23.541'W [Fawn Point] then following the westerly shoreline of 
Roderick Island to 52°38.529'N 128°26.799'W [Roderick Island] then true west to 
52°38.529'N 128°30.330'W [Pering Point] then northerly following the shoreline 
to the beginning point;

Subarea 7-10
Those waters of Mathieson Channel and adjacent waters inside a line that begins 
at 52°46.109'N 128°09.358'W [Pooley Island] then true east to 52°46.109'N 128°
07.820'W [Garvey Point] then to 52°45.582'N 128°06.788'W [Kynoch Point] then 
southerly following the shoreline to 52°34.310'N 128°14.752'W [Hird Point] then 
to 52°35.229'N 128°17.203'W [Charles Head] then northerly following the 
shoreline to the beginning point;

Subarea 7-13
Those waters of Spiller Channel and adjacent waters lying southerly of the 
parallel passing through 52°23.665'N near Mosquito Bay and northerly of a line 
that begins at 52°15.694'N 128°17.072'W [Don Peninsula near Foote Islets] then 
to 52°15.735'N 128°14.647'W [Hyndman Reefs Light] then to 52°16.773'N 128°
12.912'W [Grief Island] then following the northerly shoreline of Grief Island 
to 52°16.742'N 128°12.261'W [Grief Island] then true east to 52°16.742'N 128°
11.656'W [Yeo Island];

Subarea 7-14
Those waters of Spiller Channel, Bullock Channel, Briggs Inlet and adjacent 
waters lying northerly of a line that begins at 52°23.665'N 128°09.896'W [near 
Mosquito Bay] then true east to 52°23.665'N 128°07.908'W [Yeo Island] then 
following the northerly shoreline of Yeo Island to 52°19.144'N 128°02.819'W 
[Ettershank Point] then to 52°19.177'N 128°01.551'W [Coldwell Point] then to 52°
19.085'N 128°00.469'W [Florence Peninsula];

Subarea 7-15
Those waters of Return Channel and adjacent waters inside a line that begins at 
52°19.144'N 128°02.819'W [Ettershank Point] then to 52°19.177'N 128°01.551'W 
[Coldwell Point] then to 52°19.085'N 128°00.469'W [Florence Peninsula] then 
easterly following the shoreline to 52°22.251'N 127°53.051'W [Roscoe Point] 
then to 52°21.764'N 127°52.023'W [Clatse Point] then southerly following the 
shoreline to 52°18.201'N 127°55.805'W [near Albert Islet] then true west to 52°
18.201'N 127°57.968'W [Jagers Point] then following the westerly shoreline of 
Cunningham Island to 52°12.252'N 128°05.718'W [Dumas Point] then to 52°13.595'N 
128°07.398'W [Chatfield Island] then following the northerly shoreline of 
Chatfield Island to 52°14.911'N 128°10.574'W [Noon Point] then to 52°16.477'N 
128°10.894'W [Yeo Island] then easterly following the shoreline to the 
beginning point

Subarea 7-16
Those waters of Roscoe Inlet and adjacent waters lying north-easterly of a line 
that begins at 52°22.251'N 127°53.051'W [Roscoe Point] then to 52°21.764'N 127°
52.023'W [Clatse Point];

Subarea 7-17
Those waters of Hunter Channel, Lama Passage, and adjacent waters inside a line 
that begins at 52°11.109'N 128°06.733'W [Dryad Point] then to 52°12.252'N 128°
05.718'W [Dumas Point] then following the southerly shoreline of Cunningham 
Island to 52°11.355'N 127°53.653'W [Madigan Point] then to 52°11.111'N 127°
53.058'W [Georgie Point] then following the westerly shoreline of Denny Island 
to 52°04.549'N 127°56.547'W [Start Point] then to 52°03.829'N 127°57.056'W 
[Kaiete Point] then following the northerly shoreline of Hunter Island to 52°
00.589'N 128°09.961'W [Hunter Island] then true west to 52°00.589'N 128°
11.012'W [Soulsby Point] then northerly following the shoreline to the 
beginning point.
Closed January 1 to 12:00 hours October 1, of each calendar year, (First 
Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure). Portions of Area 9:

Subarea 9-2
Those waters of Rivers Inlet inside a line that begins at 51°30.536'N 127°
41.792'W [Penrose Island] then to 51°30.246'N 127°41.186'W [Walbran Island] 
then following the southerly shoreline of Walbran Island to 51°31.166'N 127°
34.918'W [Walbran Island] then to 51°30.398'N 127°32.954'W [west of Johnston 
Bay] then southerly following the shoreline to 51°28.498'N 127°33.745'W [north 
shoreline of Draney Narrows] then to 51°28.375'N 127°33.947'W [south shoreline 
of Draney Narrows] then southwesterly following the shoreline to 51°22.624'N 
127°44.777'W [Mainland, near Open Bight] then to 51°27.209'N 127°44.705'W 
[Dimsey Point] then to 51°27.348'N 127°44.219'W [Joachim Island] then following 
the easterly shoreline of Joachim Island to 51°27.762'N 127°43.838'W [Joachim 
Island] then to 51°27.982'N 127°43.341'W [Penrose Island] then following the 
easterly shoreline of Penrose Island to the beginning point;

Subarea 9-3
Those waters of Rivers Inlet inside a line that begins at 51°34.251'N 127°
34.217'W [Walbran Island] then to 51°34.210'N 127°31.450'W [near Ida Island] 
then southerly following the shoreline to 51°30.398'N 127°32.954'W [west of 
Johnston Bay] then to 51°31.166'N 127°34.918'W [Walbran Island] then northerly 
following the shoreline to the beginning point;

Subarea 9-4
Those waters of Rivers Inlet inside a line that begins at 51°38.657'N 127°
30.325'W [near Whannock Cove] then to 51°37.393'N 127°30.284'W [Stone Point] 
then southerly following the shoreline to 51°34.210'N 127°31.432'W [near Ida 
Island] then to 51°34.251'N 127°34.217'W [Walbran Island] then westerly 
following the shoreline to 51°34.477'N 127°34.820'W [McLeod Point] then to 51°
34.638'N 127°34.982'W [near Dawsons Landing] then northerly following the 
shoreline to the beginning point;

Subarea 9-6
Those waters of Rivers Inlet and adjacent waters lying easterly of a line that 
begins at 51°39.432'N 127°25.749'W [McAllister Point] then to51°38.301'N 127°
26.792'W [near Scandinavia Bay].
Closed January 1 to 12:00 hours October 1, of each calendar year, (First 
Nations FSC and Recreational Access Closure).


Jen Gordon
A/Area B Crab Manager
Tel: / Tél: (250) 627-3477
Fax: / Télécopieur: (250) 627-3427
E-mail/ Courrier électronique:

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0398
Sent April 25, 2017 at 1546