Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Test Fishery
COMMERCIAL - Herring: Spawn on Kelp
FN0351-ABORIGINAL and COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe - Areas 6 to 10 - Central Coast - Update April 08, 2017

Central Coast Bulletin #34
April 08, 2017: 

The gill net charter Star King completed their sounding program in Powell 
Anchorage and Thompson Bay yesterday.  The spawn observed in the overflight at 
the south end of Gale Passage was reported as washing out.  The Lady Raven 
continued their charter yesterday in the Spiller Channel and Return Channel 
area. Today they will be working through Boddy/Joassa and back into Spiller 

The next spawn fight is scheduled for April 9, weather dependant.

The dive charter Ocean Cloud will be continuing operations in Kitasu Bay today.

The spot spawn observed in Upper Spiller Channel between Mosquito Bay and 
Neekas Inlet was still reported as active, however remains at only and 
estimated 50 feet of shoreline. 

The heaviest concentration of predators and sounded fish are in Spiller Channel 
and Seaforth Channel.  A large biomass of fish had moved into lower Spiller 
Channel, but with the recent poor weather seems to have moved into deeper 
water. A large school of fish has been observed inshore near Odin Cove.

Soundings and Roe Tests:

Area 6

Meyers Passage ---------------- Apr 02, Fish on Bottom 
Thistle Passage --------------- Apr 02, Scratches + Fish on Bottom
Kitasu Bay -------------------- Apr 02, 3000+ tons
March 18; Jamieson Point;6.3%;20.2cm;53:44; 24-3-18-1-0; (26.7g:101.7g)
March 5; Jamieson Point; 0%; 20.0cm; 51:51; 1-18-33-0-0; (1g:96.91g)

Area 6 Spawn Summary:
Mar 29: The spawn observed in Clifford Bay ended on the same day it was 
observed; however it has been reported to have begun again, and expanded along 
the southern shore of the bay. April 6 - spawn over. 

Mar 28 - Apr 06: The spawn in Kitasu Bay continues, and is expanding north to 
Jamieson Point.  As of April 3, it was estimated at 3.9 miles of spawn.

Area 7

Lower Spiller Channel --------- Apr 07, 1060 tons 
March 31; N of Tankeeah; 15.6%; 19.7cm;44:56; 54-1-1-1-0; (28.8g:99.8g)
Adjusted Percentage for Male:Female Ratio = 14%
March 28; Shingle Rk; 11.2%; 19.6cm; 56:49; 46-0-3-3-0; (24.5g:92.6g)
March 27;S of Mosquito; 11.5%; 19.9cm; 59:43; 41-1-2-0-0; (28.3g:98.2g)
Upper Spiller Channel --------- Apr 07, 740 tons 
April 03; Neekas; 13.7%; 19.4cm; 49:60; 59-1-0-2-0; (23.2g:89.9g)
Adjusted Percentage for Male:Female Ratio = 12.5%
Spiller Inlet ----------------- Apr 04, NFF
Lower Return Channel ---------- Apr 07, 180
March 8; Return Channel; 0%; 20.3cm; 49:51; 0-18-33-0-0; (0.3g:101.04g)
Gunboat Passage --------------- Apr 06, 170 tons
Troup Passage ----------------- Apr 07, 220 tons
March 2; Troup Passage; 0%; 19.4cm; 52:52; 0-8-44-0-44; (0g:83g)
Inner Seaforth Channel -------- Apr 07, 1000 tons, mostly near Odin Cove 
Outer Seaforth Channel -------- Apr 05, 665 tons
March 30; Wootton It; 12.3%; 47:52; 49-1-1-0-0; (24.98g:100.86g)
March 29; E Harmston Is; 13.1%; 41:42; 40-1-1-0-0; (32.91g:121.15g)
Powell Anchorage -------------- Apr 05, 80 tons
Reid Passage ------------------ Apr 05. 225 tons
Berry Inlet ------------------- Apr 05, Skimmers 
Moss Passage ------------------ Apr 05, 60 tons
East Higgins Passage  
March 20; East Higgins; 8.8%; 19.0cm; 47:51; 33-3-14-1-2; (26.6g:99.4g)
March 8; East Higgins; 0%; 20.6cm; 50:50; 2-8-40-0-1; (0g:99.38g)
Raymond Passage --------------- Apr 01, 150 tons
Norman Morrison --------------- Apr 01, 15 tons, scratches
Thompson Bay ------------------ Apr 03, 130 tons 
Waskesui Passage -------------- Apr 03, NFF
Boddy/Joassa ------------------ Apr 03, 140 tons, FOB
March 22;Boddy Narrows; 11.3%; 19.3cm; 64:54; 50-0-4-1-0; (23.3g:84.9g)
Dundivan Inlet ---------------- Apr 05, 240 tons
Stryker Bay ------------------- Apr 03, NFF
Spider Channel ---------------- Mar 29, 35 tons
Kildidt Sound ----------------- Mar 30, 90 tons

Area 7 Soundings Total          5200 tons

Area 7 Spawn Summary:
Apr 02 - April 05: East Higgins Passage: Spawn reported starting behind the SOK 
operation.  As of April 6 the spawn was reported as no longer active.

Apr 03: Spot spawns reported in several places in Upper Spiller Channel: two in 
Ellerslie Bay, and one near Cheenis Creek.

Apr 04: Spot spawn reported in Troup Narrows, estimated 100 meters, no fish to 
back up and already washing out.

Apr 06: Spot spawn in Spiller Channel between Mosquito Bay and Neekas Inlet. 
April 7, reported continuing but no expansion.

Apr 06: Spot spawn in Thompson Bay north of Cree Point, and south of Gale 
Passage. April 7, spawn reported washing out

Area 8

Pruth Bay --------------------- Mar 20, Scratches
Kwakshua Channel -------------- Mar 25, 100 tons
Fish Egg Inlet ---------------- Mar 21, 50 tons
Fairmile Passage -------------- Mar 25, 800 tons
Naulau Passage ---------------- Mar 30, 150 tons
Mustang Bay ------------------- Mar 30, NFF
Kwakume ----------------------- Mar 27, NFF
Warrior Cove to Namu ---------- Mar 30, NFF
Kiwash Cove ------------------- Mar 30, NFF

Apr 03: Spotty spawns reported in Fitz Hugh Sound, on the eastern shoreline 
near Kwakume Inlet.  April 6: spawn reported to be expanded in Kwakume Inlet 
proper, with an estimated 1.5 miles of spawn in the inlet, several layers 
thick, and continuing.

Area 9
Goose Bay was surveyed, no fish found, no spawn observed.

Area 10
Apr 05: Active spawn reported beginning April 5, and continuing. Smith Inlet 
had an active spawn from Birkby Point for 1.2 miles to the East. April 7, the 
spawn is reported to have expanded and intensified.  

Scratches - Herring present in small schools 1 to 2 tons
Skimmer - Herring spread out near the surface, difficult to quantify
Fish on bottom (FOB) - Herring too close to the bottom to quantify
NFF - No Fish Found
Washed out spawn - Spawn that is coming to an end
Miles - Means nautical miles for this bulletin

ROE TEST CODE: Date;Location;roe yield;fish size;males:females;#1-#2-#3-
#spawned-#juvenile;(roe weight g:fish weight g)

Jeff Radford 250-799-5127

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0351
Sent April 8, 2017 at 0840