Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Seine
FN0266-COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Seine - Kitkatla - March 23, 2017: Opening

Seine Opening: 

Fishing for roe herring by Category H licensed vessels by means of purse seine 
shall be permitted from 07:11 hours, March 23, 2017 until further notice in the 
following portions of Area 5:

1) Subarea 5-4 except that portion east of a line from the westernmost point of 
Gurd Island 53°53.961 north latitude and 130°39.757 west longitude to the 
westernmost point of Robert Island at 53°53.627 north latitude and 130°40.03 
west longitude, then southeast to a point on Gurd Island at 53°53.068 north 
latitude and 130°38.922 west longitude and ending on the southern shore of Gurd 
Island at 53°52.493 north latitude and 130°37.265 west longitude.

2) Subarea 5-5.

3)(a) That portion of Subarea 5-8 south of a line from a point at 53°53.961 
north latitude and 130°39.758 west longitude at the western point of Gurd 
Island to a point at 53°54.444 north latitude and 130°41.570 west longitude on 
the Porcher Peninsula shore; 

(b) that portion of Subarea 5-8 northeast of a line from Gurd Point due west to 
the boundary of Subarea 5-7; and 

(c) that portion of Subarea 5-8 easterly from a point at 53° 56.29 north 
latitude and 130°40.350 west longitude to the prominent point west of Gurd 
Point at 53°55.206 north latitude and 130°38.234 west longitude.

4) That portion of Subarea 5-9 westerly of a line from Whitely Point at 53°
52.217 north longitude and 130°30.955 west latitude to a prominent point 
located at the mouth of Phoenix Creek at 53°53.572 north longitude and 130°
30.809 west latitude.

Areas and Subareas are as described in the Pacific Fishery Management Area 

Fishers are reminded to not disturb any FSC harvesting that may be taking place 
in the area.

All herring leaving the fishing grounds are to be reported to the designated 
management platform prior to leaving the grounds.  Pursuant to Pacific Region 
Close Time Variation Order # 2017-PR-001-SN issued on the Vessel "Franciscan 
No.1" in Kitkatla Inlet, on March 23, 2017.

Fishery Manger: Karen Kimura-Miller: VHF Franciscan No.1
North/Central Coast Herring Communications: Jeff Radford 250-799-5127

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0266
Sent March 23, 2017 at 0843