Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Salmon: Troll
FN0149-Demonstration Fishery - Salmon: Troll - AABM Chinook - First Nations - Opening March 1, 2017

The Ahousaht, Ehattesaht, Hesquiaht, Mowachaht/Muchalaht and Tla-o-qui-aht 
First Nations' (T'aaq-wiihak Nations') AABM chinook salmon demonstration 
fishery by troll will open from 00:01 hours March 1, to 23:59 hours March 15, 
2017, or close earlier if the chinook total allowable catch of 1,268 pieces has 
been reached. 

Please note that Area 124 is not open to vessels over 25 feet in length in 
order to limit impacts on Fraser River Spring 42 chinook.

The following areas are open to vessels under 25 feet, with the exception of 
Rockfish Conservation Areas: 

- Portions of Area 24: Subareas 24-6, 24-8, 24-9 and that portion of Subarea 24-
2 seaward of a line commencing at Starling Point Light (49°23.647 N, 126°13.849 
W) then heading 270 degrees true West to the opposite shoreline of Sydney Inlet 
(49°23.646 N, 126°15.742 W). 

- Portions of Area 25: Subareas 25-6, 25-7, 25-15 and that portion of Subarea 
25-13 seaward of a line commencing from a point (49°50.020 N, 126°57.906 W) at 
the northeast entrance of Rosa Harbour continuing to a point (49°51.577 N, 126°
59.640 W) at the western entrance of Port Eliza. 

- Portion of Area 26: that portion of Subarea 26-1 southeasterly of a line 
running through Grassy Island from the shoreline (49° 57.067' N, 127° 13.365' 
W) to the surfline (49° 54.755' N, 127° 16.123' W) that is a parallel to the 
boundary between Area 125 and 126.

- That portion of Area 124 extending seaward from the surfline to 9 nautical 
miles seaward of the surfline.

- That portion of Area 125 extending seaward from the surfline to 9 nautical 
miles seaward of the surfline.

- That portion of Area 126 southeasterly of a line from Grassy Island, running 
parallel with the Area 125 boundary, beginning seaward from the surfline (49° 
54.755' N, 127° 16.123' W) to 9 nautical miles seaward of the surfline (49° 
47.840' N, 127° 25.062' W).

The following areas are open to vessels over 25 feet, with the exception of 
Rockfish Conservation Areas:

- Portions of Area 24: Subareas 24-6, 24-8, 24-9 and that portion of Subarea 24-
2 seaward of a line commencing at Starling Point Light (49°23.647 N, 126°13.849 
W) then heading 270 degrees true West to the opposite shoreline of Sydney Inlet 
(49°23.646 N, 126°15.742 W). 

- Portions of Area 25: Subareas 25-6, 25-7, 25-15 and that portion of Subarea 
25-13 seaward of a line commencing from a point (49°50.020 N, 126°57.906 W) at 
the northeast entrance of Rosa Harbour continuing to a point (49°51.577 N, 126°
59.640 W) at the western entrance of Port Eliza. 

- Portion of Area 26: that portion of Subarea 26-1 southeasterly of a line 
running through Grassy Island from the shoreline (49° 57.067' N, 127° 13.365' 
W) to the surfline (49° 54.755' N, 127° 16.123' W) that is a parallel to the 
boundary between Area 125 and 126.

- That portion of Area 125 extending seaward from the surfline to 9 nautical 
miles seaward of the surfline.

- That portion of Area 126 southeasterly of a line from Grassy Island, running 
parallel with the Area 125 boundary, beginning seaward from the surfline (49° 
54.755' N, 127° 16.123' W) to 9 nautical miles seaward of the surfline (49° 
47.840' N, 127° 25.062' W).

Excluded Rockfish Conservation Areas are:

Those portions of Subareas 125-2 and 125-3 that lie inside a line that begins 
at 49°37.900'N 127°01.111'W in water then to 49°37.900'N 126°52.600'W in water 
then to 49°33.500'N 126°52.600'W in water then to the beginning point (West of 
Bajo Reef - Chart 3604).

Those portions of Subareas 24-1, 124-3, 124-4, 125-1, 125-2 and 125-5 that lie 
inside of a line that begins at 49°23.526'N 126°27.818'W north of Matlahaw 
Point then to 49°19.500'N 126°23.900'W
in water then to 49°17.000'N 126°31.200'W in water then to 49°22.100'N 126°
44.700'W in water then to 49°25.067'N 126°34.598'W Hesquiat Peninsula then 
following the southerly shore of Hesquiat Peninsula to the beginning point 
(Estevan Point - Chart 3603).

That portion of Subarea 24-6 that lies inside a line that: begins at 49°
13.560'N 125°57.887'W in water then through Morfee Island to 49°13.300'N 125°
56.750'W Dunlap Island then following the westerly shoreline of Dunlap Island 
to 49°12.941'N 125°56.373'W Dunlap Island then to 49°12.100'N 125°57.048'W 
Vargas Island then westerly following the shoreline of Vargas Island to 49°
12.600'N 125°58.132'W Vargas Island then to the beginning point (Vargas Island 
to Dunlap Island - Chart 3603).

Species and amounts permitted for sale:
-	Chinook: The maximum number of chinook that may be retained for sale 
is 100 pieces per vessel for the entire opening. All chinook retained for sale 
must be greater than 55cm fork length (head on) and 44cm (head off).
All fish encountered in this fishery must be retained with the exception of 
dogfish and undersize Chinook. Amounts of fish retained above the sale limits 
described above and all other fish species not permitted for sale will be 
counted against the T'aaq-wiihak Nations' Food, Social, and Ceremonial (FSC) 

Fishing shall be permitted by trolling with barbless hook and line gear only.

All harvesters must file a start fishing report (hail out) prior to 
participating in the fishery by contacting the T'aaq-wiihak Fishery 
Coordinator, Alex Gagne (250) 266-1071.

A vessel designated to harvest fish shall be identified by an Identification 
Number and by affixing an Identification Flag that is clearly visible, legible 
and unobstructed. Designation to partake in this fishery must accompany the 
participant while fishing or transporting fish harvested in this fishery. 

All fish caught in this fishery are to be landed at the designated landing 
Zeballos Government Dock/Mid-Island Ice;
Lions Gate Fisheries dock, Tofino;
Fourth Street Dock, Tofino;
Gold River Fuel Dock

Transferring of catch from one vessel to another is not permitted without 
written permission in advance from the First Nation's Fishery Manager that the 
harvester is registered with.

All participants must obtain a Landing Slip, in order to sell any fish caught 
under the authority of this licence. All fish sold in this fishery must be 
accompanied by a Sales Slip. 

All fish retained for Sale and for FSC will be verified by T'aaq-wiihak 
dockside monitors. Harvesters must permit T'aaq-wiihak dockside monitors access 
to their catch for the verification procedure.

Harvesters will maintain a logbook and submit a completed report to the T'aaq-
wiihak landing monitor at each landing. Landing slips will not be issued by the 
T'aaq-wiihak landing monitor without the submission of completed logbook 

T'aaq-wiihak harvesters are reminded to refer to the communal licence 
authorizing this fishery for complete details. Copies of the licence are 
available from the DFO Resource Manager, Andrea Goruk (250-756-7287) and the 
T'aaq-wiihak Fisheries Implementation Coordinator, Alex Gagne (250-266-1071).

Fisheries and Oceans Canada is interested in reports of sea turtles in BC 
waters. By documenting sightings we are able to learn more about how, when, and 
where these turtles are using our waters. If you see a sea turtle, please call 
this toll-free phone number: 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663). Please include 
information such as the type of sea turtle seen (i.e. leatherback), the 
location, and time of sighting. 


Andrea Goruk, Resource Management Coordinator, Nanaimo (250) 756-7287

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0149
Sent February 24, 2017 at 1603