Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish Trawl
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Halibut
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Other Hook and Line
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Rockfish Hook and Line
COMMERCIAL - Groundfish: Sablefish
FN0111-Groundfish: 2017 Licence Issuance Information

2017/2018 Groundfish Trawl, Halibut, Sablefish, Rockfish, and Schedule II Other 
Species licence fees will be available for payment commencing February 16, 2017 
in the Pacific Region through the National Online Licensing System (NOLS). 

Harvesters will use the National Online Licensing System (NOLS) to go online to 
view, pay for and print their commercial fishing licences, licence conditions, 
and/or receipts.

The Groundfish Trawl option selection from the previous year (i.e. 2016) will 
continue to be defaulted to the current year (i.e. 2017) unless the vessel 
owner/licence eligibility holder advises the Pacific Fishery Licence Unit 

Where a designated vessel or option is required, licence eligibility holders 
may submit the required information via the 'Submit a Request' menu selection 
within the National Online Licensing System (NOLS). Full instructions are 
available at:

A reminder that all licence renewal fee payments must be made through the 

For communal commercial licences, even though the fees are $0.00, clients are 
required to add a checkmark beside the licence(s) to renew, and 
click "Checkout" through NOLS.    

To avoid delays, please ensure the payment, option selection and designated 
vessel information is submitted to DFO at the same time.  

Upon the Department receiving the required payment, applicable documentation 
and information, the licence will be issued and notification will be sent via 
email to advise Licence Holders/vessel owners that a change has been made to 
the licence holder's online account.  The licence documents, licence conditions 
and receipt will be available to be printed at that time.  

Client support will be available via e-mail ( or 
toll-free telephone (1-877-535-7307).  

For transactions that are not yet available in the National Online Licensing 
System (e.g. Vessel replacements and nominations), licensing services will 
continue to be available either through telephone (1-877-535-7307), e-mail 
(, or fax (604-666-5855). Please be sure to visit 
the Pacific Region Licensing website and subscribe to fishery notices for 
updates on the National Online Licensing System and licensing services:

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0111
Sent February 16, 2017 at 1101