Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - General Information
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Seine
Licensing Information
FN0028-2017 Roe Herring Licence Fee Payment and Licence Issuance

Subject to approval of the Pacific herring Integrated Fisheries Management Plan 
IFMP) anticipated in late January  2017, payment of the 2017 commercial and 
communal commercial roe herring licence fees for 2017 will commence on January 
16, 2017. The final approved roe herring quotas and areas will be provided 
following IFMP approval. Central Coast (CC) gear and catch targets have not 
been determined, however the licensing process for the Prince Rupert (PRD) and 
Strait of Georgia (SOG) areas will commence in advance of the final approved 
IFMP in order to allow for completion of the licensing process prior to the 
season starting in late February.  

Please note the following changes for this year: 
- Licence renewal applications will not be mailed this year;
- Payment of the 2017 Roe Herring (Gillnet or Seine) Licence fee will not
  result in the immediate issuance of the licence document;
- Forms to select the licence Area and the Pooling process will be provided
  to all Licence Holders via the National Online Licensing System (NOLS);
- Access to licensing services is only available via the National Online
  Licensing System (NOLS). 
- Central Coast (CC) gear and catch targets have yet to be determined and
  will be updated by way of Fishery Notice. 


All deadlines are 16:00 hours on the date as stated below:

Jan 16, 2017: Seine and gill net fee payment and area selection process 
commences in NOLS;
Jan 27, 2017: Seine and gill net NOLS fees payment deadline;
Feb 08, 2017: Seine and gill net area selection deadline;
Feb 08, 2017: Seine selection into Food and Bait PRD or SOG deadline
Feb 09, 2017: Area reselection for both gear types if areas are
over or under subscribed, or areas/quotas updated. 
Feb 15, 2017: Deadline for receipt of gill net and seine pool designation
Feb 20, 2017: Target release date for Conditions of Licence & Quota
              Addenda, will be available for printing in NOLS.

Please note any changes or updates to these dates will be provided by way of 
fishery notice.


The commercial herring licence ideal distribution of licences based on average 
catch target for each area in 2017 is determined by the coastwide gear catch 
target, divided by the overall number of licences of that gear type. There are 
252 seine and 1,267 gill net licences. The licence averages are: Seine 61.679 
short tons per licence, Gill net 13.159 short tons per licence.

The target catches and ideal number of licences by area are as follows: 

Prince Rupert (PRD) total roe catch target 2,500 short tons
Seine catch target 1,000 tons, ideal number of licences 16
Gill net catch target 1,500 tons, ideal number of licences 114

Strait of Georgia (SOG) total roe catch target 29,715 short tons 
Seine target catch 14,543 tons, ideal number of licences 236
Gill net target catch 15,172 tons, ideal number of licences 1,153

Central Coast (CC) TBD

Coastwide roe herring target catch total (excluding CC) 32,215 short tons.

Gill Net:                             Seine:
---------                             ------
Prince Rupert                         Prince Rupert (single industry pool)
Strait of Georgia                     Strait of Georgia (maximum of 8 pools)

Seine Food and Bait Option: For 2017, roe herring seine licence holders may 
select to harvest in the PRD or SOG Food and Bait fishery. If this option is 
elected, the seine licences will not be eligible to participate in the 2017 roe 
herring fishery and will instead receive an additional 61.68 tons quota on the 
designated existing Food and Bait (ZM) licence. Selection into the Food and 
Bait fishery for SOG and PRD is on a one way basis until the total overall 
quota for the area has been reached, and roe herring seine licences which 
select into the Food and Bait fishery will not be part of an area reselection 
process. Roe herring licences that select the Food and Bait fishery will 
transfer 61.68 tons out of the roe herring seine fishery and into the Food and 
Bait fishery for that area. This process commenced December 15, 2016 and ends 
February 08, 2017.


- Jan 27, 2017 deadline for Seine licences
- Jan 27, 2017 deadline for Gill net licences
Once you have paid your licence fee through the NOLS, the payment will be 
processed; licence issuance will follow at a later date.

(B) PRINT AREA SELECTION REQUEST FORM: Licence Holders will be notified 
(shortly) by email and Notice to Industry to login to their NOLS account and 
print the Area Selection Form from their 'Print Documents' menu selection. 
Additional processing instructions may be provided in that Notice to Industry.

- Complete all required details on this form to indicate: 
- area selection and pool coordinator (Gill net and Seine)
- designated vessel (Seine only)
- herring Food and Bait option (Seine only) - if you wish to select the option 
to move roe herring seine quota to the Food and Bait fishery please indicate 
the Food and Bait licence number and area, either SOG (Strait of Georgia), or 
PRD (Prince Rupert District). 

- Gill net Feb 08, 2017; Seine Feb 08, 2017;
- Submit the completed ASR form by the deadline dates shown above;
- Area counts will be posted by fishery notice on a regular basis.

(E) AREA RE-SELECTION - if area/gear types are over or under-subscribed, area 
re-selection will take place the week of Feb 09, 2017, with full details to be 
announced by fishery notice. At that time, if you wish to participate in the 
area re-selection opportunity, please amend the area on your ASR form, write RE-
SELECTION at the top right hand corner and submit as described on the ASR. 
Licences will only be able to move to another area on a first-come first-served 
basis until the ideal number for that area is reached. 

(F) POOL DESIGNATION LIST - blank forms will be sent to all Licence Holders 
via e-mail, or you may call us to request a copy directly by e-mail or fax.

- Deadlines for submission of completed pool designation lists:
- Gillnet and Seine Feb 15, 2017;
- Only Pool coordinators are required to submit a Pool Designation List and are 
reminded to ensure the accuracy and completeness of their pool designation list

(G) PRINT LICENCE DOCUMENTS - Once pools and quota numbers are finalised in 
February 2017, Licence documents, which will include Conditions of Licence, 
Pool list and Quota will be available for printing in your NOLS account. The 
target date is Feb 20, 2017. Print all of the licence documents as instructed 
and attach to licence. 

REMINDER: You need your UserName and Password to access your NOLS account.

If you have forgotten your UserName (and need a Pass Code reset) or require 
other assistance, client support is available by calling, toll free, telephone 
1-877-535-7307 (advise that you are a Commercial Fisher in British Columbia).

NOLS registration information is also available online at:


Tel:		1-877-535-7307 - ask for the PACIFIC REGION
Fax:		604-666-5855
Mail:		Fisheries and Oceans Canada
           200-401 Burrard St.
           Vancouver BC V6C 3S4


William Leung 250-756-7010

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0028
Sent January 13, 2017 at 1434