Fishery Notice

COMMERCIAL - Invertebrates: Geoduck and Horseclam
FN0022-COMMERCIAL - Geoduck and Horse Clam - North Coast - Closing - Portion of Area 6

Closing 23:59 Hours January 10, 2017 in the following Geoduck Management Areas 
(GMAs).  An asterisk indicates a change in area description since the last 


CCD01a Rennison Island
CCD01b West Laredo Channel (north of Baker Point)
CCD01c West Laredo Channel (south of Baker Point)
CCD02 East Laredo Channel
Variation order No. 2016-556 is revoked.

CCD03 Laredo Inlet
CCD04 Kitasu Bay
CCD05 Larkin Point
CCD06 Laredo Channel
Variation order No. 2017-15 is revoked.

The north coast fishery continues in the following GMAs:


South Coast areas are identified on separate Fishery Notices.

See the 2016/17 Geoduck and Horse Clam Integrated Fisheries Management Plan 
(IFMP) for a more detailed description of the Fishing Protocol.

The On-Grounds Monitor and/or Archipelago Marine Research will direct the fleet 
through geoduck beds and GMAs.

Horse clams are permitted as an incidental catch only except where a quota has 
been established.  

Pauline Ridings (250) 756-7118

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0022
Sent January 10, 2017 at 1443