Fishery Notice

ABORIGINAL - General Information
FN0015-ABORIGINAL - Razor Clams, Scallops, Butter Clams and Cockles - North Coast - Area 1 - Opening - Amendment to FN0014

This notice replaces FN0014.  

Subarea 1-5 ("North Beach") is open effective immediately to the aboriginal 
harvest of razor clams, butter clams, scallops and cockles. The recent 
precautionary closure due to lapse in sample submission has now been lifted. 
Recent samples from the biotoxin monitoring program for this Subarea have been 
acceptable.  This opening will continue pending on-going sample submission for 
the biotoxin monitoring program and acceptable biotoxin results.

Bivalve shellfish are susceptible to Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) and 
other marine biotoxins and closures may occur.  All bivalve shellfish 
harvesters must check before they harvest for any biotoxin or sanitary 
contamination closures in their area.

For information on the location of current marine biotoxin closures:
-call toll-free:  1-866-431-3474
-consult the Shellfish Contamination Closures page on the DFO website at:
-check with your nearest DFO office


Steven Groves (250) 627-3455

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0015
Sent January 6, 2017 at 1607