Fishery Notice

FN0965-RECREATIONAL - Salmon: Coho and Chinook: Region 1 - Somass/Stamp Rivers - Opening Effective Immediately

Effective immediately until further notice the daily quota for coho salmon is 
two (2) and the daily quota for chinook salmon is one (1) maximum size limit of 
77cm in the following areas:

Region 1 Somass and Stamp Rivers 

The following areas will remain closed to all fishing:

That portion of the Stamp River from the Ash River Main Logging Road Bridge 
near the outlet of Great Central Lake, downstream to the Sumner Creek Stamp 
River confluence.

That portion of the Stamp River from boundary signs 200 metres above the Stamp 
River Falls, downstream approximately 2.5 kilometres, to the Beaver Creek Stamp 
River confluence.

That portion of the Somass River from the tidal boundary signs at Paper Mill 
Dam, upstream approximately one kilometer to boundary signs near the south end 
of Collins Farm across to the gravel pit.

Due to the low forecast of 4 and 5 year old Robertson Creek chinook protective 
measures are required on the Somass and Stamp rivers to protect female chinook 
salmon.  Only chinook 77 cm or less (predominantly males) are allowed to be 
retained.  After consultation with representatives of the Alberni Valley Sport 
Fishing Advisory Committee (AVSFAC), it has been agreed to implement the above 
measures.  It was important to the AVSFAC to allow anglers to continue angling 
the Stamp and Somass rivers for surplus coho and small chinook, steelhead and 
trout while having as minimal impact on larger female chinook as possible. 

The management actions implemented were agreed to by the Area 23 Harvest 
Roundtable membership which is comprised of representatives from DFO 
enforcement, stock assessment, and resource management; and recreational, 
commercial and First Nation fishers who take an active role in managing the 
Area 23 fishery.

VO#: 2015-424 and 2015-425

Anglers are further reminded of the following:

For the Stamp/Somass Rivers, anglers are advised there is no directed fishery 
on chinook greater than 77 cms.

Sockeye and chum must be avoided.

Single, barbless hooks only are required on all streams on Vancouver Island.

Intentionally foul-hooking salmon or attempting to foul-hook salmon is illegal.

Lack of compliance in this fishery could result in the fishery being 
immediately closed on short notice therefore your cooperation is encouraged.

Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation? If so, please call 
the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line 
at: (800) 465-4336.

For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at: 1-866-431-
FISH (3474).

The DFO recreational fishery website is located at:

For further information contact the Port Alberni Department of Fisheries and 
Oceans Office at (250)720-4440.

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0965
Sent September 1, 2015 at 1545