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Fishery Notice

FN1038-Salmon: Region 2 Chilliwack River

The following is a reminder:

As outlined in Appendix 8: Freshwater Salmon Sport Fishing Guidelines in the 
South Coast Integrated fisheries Management Plan, that due to continued 
expected poor returns of Chum salmon to the Chilliwack River in 2011 the daily 
limit for chum on the Chilliwack River is reduced to zero(0) effective October 
16 to December 31, 2011.

The Chilliwack River remains open to salmon fishing with the retention of up to 
an aggregate of four (4) salmon per day which may be a combination of either 
chinook or hatchery marked coho salmon. The daily limit for chinook remains at 
four (4) but only one may be over 62 cm and at four (4) for hatchery marked 
coho salmon until December 31, 2011.

Variation Order: 2011-446

Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal and non-tidal 
waters of British Columbia.  This includes all species of fish in the Fraser 

Sport anglers are encouraged to participate in the voluntary Salmon Sport Head 
Recovery program by labelling and submitting heads from adipose fin-clipped 
Chinook and coho salmon.  Recovery of coded-wire tags provides critical 
information for coast-wide stock assessment.  Contact the Salmon Sport Head 
Recovery Program at (866) 483-9994 for further information.

Did you witness suspicious fishing activity or a violation?  If so, please call 
the Fisheries and Ocean Canada 24-hour toll free Observe, Record, Report line 
at (800) 465-4336.

For the 24 hour recorded opening and closure line, call toll free at (866) 431-

For more information contact the local DFO office.

Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN1038
Sent October 18, 2011 at 1549